Feelings underneath

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"What the hell were you thinking???", screamed Kaylyn. "What if something happened to your sister while you were out doing nothing productive!?"

Neither Blake nor Drake said a word. Drake was too concentrated on the road as he drove and he was just not willing to annoy his mother more than necessary but Blake; he was definitely angry but preferred not to say anything until they reached home. When the car parked in front of the house, Kaylyn ran out; her whole body shivering as her bare feet touched the cold green grass. With her black high heels in her right hand, she managed to open the door and step in.
"Cassie? Cassie???", she shouted.

The poor little girl came on the border of the staircase, startled: "Why the hell are you screaming like that? I was sleeping!"

"I'm so so sorry, sweety. I was worried about you. I only wanted to know if you were fine.", responded Kaylyn with an obvious tint of guilt in her voice.

"Well, you could have simply come to my room and check by yourself, instead of screaming like a creepy crazy person, mom!!"

The two boys were, silently, laughing behind their mother. Indeed, they had their share of guilt but their little sister was right. Their mother tend to dramatize things too much. "I know I know. I'm sorry my dear. Go back to sleep.". Once Cassie was back to her room, Kaylyn turned to her sons with the most serious gaze she ever had in her whole life. She was angry. No! She was totally mad! For once, she was given the chance to think of her own happiness but was devastated to see that chance disappear due to her children's actions.

"Sit down and explain yourselves!", the young mother ordered.

"Did you have any idea of who you were out with, mother?", snapped Blake, trying to contain his rage and pain. "Did you know who that guy was related to before saying yes??"

"What are you talking about?"

"That guy is Chris Jackson's father, mom.", added Drake, calmly. "He is... umm... he is Anabess' boyfriend."

Kaylyn was shocked. She could not believe her ears. She let herself fall on the sofa and looked at Blake with incomprehension all over her face. The tired lady tried to speak but no words could get out. She thought and thought again but she could still not understand why things were like they were. When a sound could finally come out of her mouth, Kaylyn could not retain the pain and fatigue that she accumulated for years to speak for herself.

"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU?", she screamed and the boys jumped back, shocked, "You came all the way to that fair to interrupt my date only because of a stupid conflict that you have with Caleb's son? You are seventeen, Blake, not twelve! I've dedicated my whole damn life to you, my children, and this is how you thank me? I understand that you cannot accept it because that boy is with the girl you love but there is not only her on this damn earth!! For the first time in years, I was able to think of my own future and you blew it up only because of your ego."

"I DON'T WANT ANY OTHER GIRL!!", shouted Blake back. "You know how much she means to me and you dare to tell me something like this?? I will never accept to have this guy as brother! I prefer die rather than seeing Anabess with a supposed step brother. You could have dated any...."

"ENOUGH BLAKE!", Kaylyn was tired of all of this. She was disappointed of her sons and would certainly never forget what they just did, "I've heard enough! You are not the one who has the right to decide who I can or cannot date. Go to your room and make sure that I don't get to see you for the next two weeks."

"Mom, please don't!", begged Drake.

"And you!!", retorted Kaylyn to her older son, "How could you follow him in such an insane project??"

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