an eyecidental incident

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I finally finish unpacking my room, everything's exactly how I want it, all my books are filling my bookshelf, my R5 trash bin is in the corner hidden, I decide to hang up my posters somewhere else, just in case one of them might come over and thinks I'm a weird super fan. My pink sheet, purple duvet and rainbow colored pillows are on my bed. My music corner had to get a little bigger, cause I had to add in my drum set, two guitars, classical and rock, three amps, endless song writing\ diary books stacked into piles, microphones, flute (Roses), violin (Roses), and clarinet (mine). Now it is more like a music section. On my vanity, I add on my lip glosses, a tube of mascara, and an eyeliner pencil, (I don't wear much makeup), but I have endless tubs of nail polish and remover in the drawers. Finally I add my dad's one of a kind directors chair he gave me. (That's right my dad's a famous director, and my mom's an old famous musician, that's how we have so much $$$$) My walk in closet is also full of everything. I am super happy, I am done with my room and so is Rose. "Hey Rose," she walks into my room. 

"Yeah," she leans on the door frame. 

"Alright, secret spot basement or attic?," I ask. 

"Basement its where the washer and dryer is, and you know I like clean things," she smirks. 

"Cool, I want the attic anyways," I got out my boxes of extra blankets, Christmas lights, pillows, a portable DVD \music player and a whole lot of R5 stuff. I open the attic and climb up, it's really dusty in here. ACHOO! I sneeze, I decide to go to the storage closet and grab dusters, something called dust away, and a vacuum. After I was done cleaning I decide to start setting up. I hung up all 10 of my R5 posters, mainly them as a band, but a few were just each member by themselves. After, I set up a tent of blankets, sheets, and poles it was giant! I set a few books on a seat in front of a window and put up a few pillows. I strung a few Christmas lights on my tent and around my secret space it's beautiful. I laid a lot of pillows and blankets in the tent. Put my DVD's and R5 CD's on a shelf along with the player and laid down in the tent. The reason me and Rose create these spaces is for thinking time, or if we want to get away from everything or everyone. Like if something happens with guests we can go to our places to hide, places they'd never suspect. We'd only let each other in using our secret knocks, it's fun like a spy game. I then heard our secret knock, knock...knock knock.....knock. I open it revealing my cousin, "come play a video game!," she encourages. 

"Alright be right down," I grab my phone, and throw down the ladder. I got down and closed it up, we head to the game room. 

"Which one?," I ask opening the cabinet. 

"Wii bowling, it can help us decide who cooks dinner," she smirks. I pull it out and turn on the Wii, after three hours of playing bowling she won all five games, and I have to make dinner. 

"Bitch," I pout on the way downstairs. 

"Ass," she counters. When we make it down we hear a knock on the door, I answer it only to find everyone from next door including Stormmie and Mark. 

My eyes widen, "yes?," I ask. 

"We're here for dinner?," Ross raises an eyebrow. 

Rose came over, "oops did I accidentally forget to tell you that you would be cooking for the entire lynch family," she says sarcastically. 

"Yes, you did, did you also forget that I had to go to the store," I seethe. 

"Oh, yeah actually," she shrinks back. You do not want to mess with me when I'm mad, I'll go all hulk on someone's ass. 

"Please come in, make yourself at home, dinner will have to wait, gotta go to the store, game room upstairs," I open the door, and all of them charge upstairs. Stormmie and Mark thank me, Ross stayed behind. "What are you doing?," he grabs my keys and starts out the door. 

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