Epilouge (NO) :'(

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*Adrianna's POV*

(6 months later)

"Thanks for the cocoa," I smile to the cashier at Starbucks. He just nods his head with a slight glare in my direction. I look down at my swollen abdomen as I walk away from the counter. "That guy wasn't really nice was he baby," I murmur. I then bump into someone spilling our drinks on each other. "Ow!," I yell as the scolding coffee comes into contact with my skin.

"I'm sorry!," says the guy in a British accent.

"It's okay," I assure turning to get some napkins.

"Let me," I get a good look at him finally. He has curly chocolate brown hair and sparkly emerald eyes, no doubt, he's Harry Styles from One Direction. He runs over and gets some napkins I start to wipe myself down, him the same.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," I mumble.

"No, it was my fault love," he chuckles.

"Whatever you say," I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

"Wait!," he calls out.

"Hm," I hum looking over at him.

"Would you like to sit and talk?," he asks blushing. I tap my chin in a mocking way.

"I don't know, I mean you just spilled coffee on me," I mock.

"Aw come on!," he pleads.

"Okay if I have to," I fake sigh.

"Awesome," he beams. He brings me over to a table with three other guys. Obviously Liam, Louis, and Niall. "Hey mates look what I bumped into," he motions towards me.

"A pregnant lady?," Niall raises an eyebrow.

"Yep, that's me the weird pregnant lady," I smirk. They all burst out laughing.

"Sit," Harry pulls me to a chair besides them and sits me down.

"So, your One Direction right?," I clarify.

"Yeah, that's us the weird boy band," Louis mocks.

"Hey don't mock the pregnant lady, that's her thing!," I giggle throwing a napkin.

"Okay love," he puts his hands up in defeat.

"So do you have a name?," asks Liam.

"Uh, I think so why?," I ask trying to be funny serious.

"Can we know it?," he chuckles.

"Sure, its Adrianna," I roll my eyes.

"Harp?," questions Louis scanning me.

"Yeah," I scrunch up my face.

"No way," Harry states in utter awe.

"Way," I continue to make my face.

"We been looking for you everywhere!," shouts Niall throwing his hands up.

"Okay, I'm out of here," I start to stand up and get pulled back down.

"Wait," demands Harry.

"The reason we've been looking for you everywhere is because of your talents," explains Liam before I even ask.

"Continue," I urge.

"How would you like to be the opening act on our next tour?," smirks Louis.

"Um," I point to my stomach.

"Oh, well after the baby's born obviously," he chuckles.

"I'll think about it," I answer casually. ( on the inside I'm screaming right now)

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