An appointment,s?

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*Adrianna's POV*

His words are still ringing through my mind, "we're through." My heart shatters more and more, I don't want it to end. Del now knows about my soon to be in 9 months little bundle of joy. She's a little pissed, at Ross, but is very understanding and happy for me. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry is playing repeatedly in my mind. I was hoping we could just have a happy summer together. That we could just not worry about anything. Now my fantasy's over, and the real world has come in. I pet my stomach, "you are such a troublemaker already little Caleb, aren't you," I chuckle sadly. 

"Caleb?" two voices ask from my doorway. I look over and see Del, Rose, and Ell. (Ell knows too, Del can't keep her mouth shut with him, but it's okay because I trust him lol) 

"Yeah, my little Caleb, or Cole" I have always liked both names. They all sit on my bed, 

"I like those," smiles Ell. 

"Thanks," I grin. 

"What if it's a girl," questions Del. 

"Hm, Amber," I smile. I've always liked the name Amber too. 

"Cool, come on, time for your appointment," giggles Rose. Right, I have a doctors appointment today. I get up and go down into the living room. 

"Hang on, snacks, craving PB and J, " my mouth starts watering. Rose pulls out one already made from her bag, I rip it out if her hands. 

"Rose I love you," I stated taking a big bite. She just rolls her eyes playfully and pulls me outside. As we wait for Ellington to pull up in my jeep. I look up and spot someone in his window staring at us. From the perspective I'm at, he looks beat. His hair's messy and he's still in his clothes from last night. Rose is staying with me at the house again until the two weeks are over, then she goes away to England. I had his clothes returned last night, everything, even his R5 sweater he gave me. I jump in the jeep and Ellington drives away, him staring at us. I hope he feels bad for what he did, he broke my heart. And it's going to take a long time to mend it. I can't live with a broken heart though, and that scares me the most. 

"We're here!" Ell announces happily. I hop out pleased with myself that I didn't cry. The building I'm front of me has haunted my nightmares. It's bricks and double doors still seem creepy to me. In big white letters were the words Dr. Naomi's office for the impregnated. My mom has always warned me that if I ever step foot in this place before the age of 25 she'd kill me. Time to break out that knife ma. We walk in and the lady at the counter looks at us disapprovingly, especially Ellington. 

"Hello, I have a 12:45 appointment for Adrianna Harp," I state giving her a small smile. 

She only scowls and says, "go sit your little ass down the doctor will be right in." 

"Don't talk to me that way," I start to get angry. 

"Or what," she snickers. 

"Denise enough," huffs a female. Right as I was about to say, I would stuff that mouse right up your ass too. 

"Hello Ms. Harp, I'm Dr. Naomi," she has black hair and looks Asian. In other words, she's really pretty. "Come right this way please," she motions towards a door. 

"Hang on please," I motion with my arm for them to come over. We then went into the little office. 

"So you're here for a pregnancy test, is that right," she looks at me skeptically as I hop on the doctor's bed. 

"Yes, ma'am," I smile. 

She looks at Rose and Del, "would you like some as well," they look taken aback at her sudden question. 

"Sure, why not," Del answers as Rose just shakes her head yeah. 

"Alright, here's three cups, go pee in them," she holds them out getting right to the point. 

"Ok thanks," we all walk into the bathroom with four stalls. We each go in one and pee our brains out. 

"Ok then, um Adri," Del walks up to me and begins washing her hands, I turn towards her as I'm washing my hands. 

"Yeah?" she actually looks like a kid in a wicked scary haunted house right now. 

"What if mines positive," she looks like she's about to cry. 

"I don't know," I finish and we walk out. What if all of ours are positive. 

We hand them all to Dr. Naomi, "the results will be in, in 10 minutes," she grins and walks out. We all sit there restlessly. 

"I hope mine's not positive," Rose chokes out. 

"Me too," agrees Del. I just hold my stomach, a little baby of my own, something to remember Ross bye. A baby I will cherish forever. Dr. Naomi walks in with a clipboard. 

"I have the results!" she announces happily. Since when is this a Jerry Springer show? " are not pregnant," Rose lets out a breath. "Adrianna, your tests were....................positive," that's when I break down, I'm truly having a baby, the test wasn't faulty, it's all real. "Rydel, your tests are strange, they turned out.............. ..................................positive." 

The room went quiet, "what?!," she squeaks.



Didn't expect that did ya?!

Rydellington is real!

Yes, it's Ellington's, duh

Adrianna is having a child!

Yet her and Ross are through cause he was being a dick

Do you guys like the names Caleb and Amber?

Do you want it to be a boy or girl?

How about Del's?

What names should she pick out?

If it's a boy?

How about if it's a girl?

All for now!

Stay Cool B-)

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