Even more suprises

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*Roses POV*

"Breakfast!," I yell. 12 feet then come bounding downstairs.

Riker shows up first, "Hey babe," he smiles wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey sunshine," I peck him on the lips and continue making the rest of this morning's French toast breakfast.

Rocky and Ryland then appears, "FRENCH TOAST! HA! Told you Rocky," Rocky just throws his head back and laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, ok Ry," he walks in and looks approvingly at my little breakfast feast.

"Too good to us Rose," he gives me a quick peck on the temple and runs off probably to wake up Lena.

"Yeah," Ryland does the same except stays in the kitchen with us.

Riker puts a protective arm around me, "stop kissing my girl will ya, cause she's all mine," he chuckles.

"Riker release, I still have tons of french toast to make," I blush. He just laughs and walks away, after I finish french toast mountain I carry it to the table.

"Yeah!," they all cheer. The breakfast was amazing, Rocky accidentally made his milk come out of his nose. Riker got a bottle of maple syrup dumped on his head, thanks to me. Del and Ell, won't stop staring at each other.

"Please Rydellington announcement soon," I pray silently. Ryland does nothing, but plays with Sadie. Cute, now I'm in mine and Rikers room while he finishes his shower. I then hear my phone go off, I turn answer with a huge smile.

"Hello," I greet. I can hear crying from the other side,

"Rose," cries Adrianna.

"What is it Adri," I hop off of Rikers bed and stand up.

"Rose, I'm," I drop my phone.

*Adrianna's POV*

Since I've been feeling funny lately I go online and research my symptoms. I type these in, mood swings, morning sickness, strange cravings. I hit search when it hits me. Could I be, I run into the bathroom with Ross chasing me. "Adrianna, whats wrong," he calls.

"N-nothing, R-ross, go o-over a-and g-get R-Rose," I stutter.

"Um, ok be right back Adri," I hear his footsteps fade away and rip out a pregnancy test. I pee on it and wait. And wait. And wait. I look over the sink with my eyes tightly screwed shut. Please don't be,.......positive. The screen read bright and clear, positive. I'm pregnant. I take out my phone as I start to cry.

"Hello!," greets a happy sounding Rose.

"Rose," I whisper.

"Adri what's wrong," she questions.

"I-I'm, Pregnant," I hear her phone drop out of her hands.

"Rose!," there's a thud as Riker shouts out her name. I hang up quickly, gripping my stomach. I can't be pregnant, Ross and I are going on two different paths once the summers over. Ones where we can't have a family together. I can't tell him, I have to try and hide it. He can't have a child not yet. Heavy footsteps come down the hall and into the bathroom, I stand in front of the sink covering the positive test.

"Rose...fainted.....Ross....helping....air!," gasps Rocky.

"Okay, I'll be right over, just have to throw something away," he gives me a thumbs up and trudges downstairs. I toss the thing in the toilet and flush it.

"Time to go meet Aunty Rose," I coo to my stomach. I throw on a pair of vans and run downstairs. We head over walking because Rocky is still tired. I started munching on my fruit bar I picked up before we left.

"Damn Adri, its like you never stop eating," he laughs.

"Heh, yeah,", I put a hand over my stomach. We go inside, Rose is on the couch with the boys and Delly surrounding her. I walk up, "h-Hey sista," I laugh nervously.

"Adri, come on, bathroom, now," she pulls me upstairs.

She locks it, "your pregnant!," she whisper squeals. I cover her mouth and shake my head yes. She starts jumping up and down after I remove my hand. "Oh, Adri, Ross will be so excited," she whispers.

"Rose, I'm not telling Ross," I blurt.

She freezes, "why?," she stares at me baffled.

"B-because, he and I, were not going to see each other again after this summer Rose, and I don't want him to worry about a child instead of his career, " I sob.

She wraps me up in her arms, "I understand, its ok, I understand, I'll keep this from him, promise," I thank her a lot of times.

She then scoots down to my belly, "Hello in there," she giggles.

"This is your favorite aunt ever speaking, saying I can't wait to meet you," she smiles. We giggle a little, then I clean myself up.

"I'm going to schedule a doctors appointment tomorrow, can you come with me," I ask.

"Duh, then if it turns out the test really is positive we can tell Tilly, Garret, Rider, and Trent," she answers.

"Thanks Rose," we share another hug and go downstairs.

*Rosses POV*

We all talk about different things waiting for our moment to question everyone. Especially Del, and Ell, they've seemed a little too chummy lately if you know what I mean. Finally the girls come back downstairs, Adri sits on my lap, and Rose with Riker. "So question time," Rocky wiggles his eyebrows.

"Alright, lay them on me," Adri sighs.

Del starts, "why are you acting so weird?"

"Because, I'm not feeling like myself, that's all," she mutters, twirling her hair. That's when bells go off, her tell is twirling her hair, meaning she lying right through those precious teeth of hers.

"Why are you lying," I speak up.

She freezes, "I'm not lying, Ross," she starts looking as if someone just shot her.

"Yes you are," I retort.

"No, I'm not," she hisses.

"Yes you are Adri, why are you lying to us, you know I hate secrets," I state. She knows I don't like them, she knows I despise people who keep important things from me.

"I know, but this one, I can't share," she shakily gets off my lap.

"So your saying you can't trust me," I start to raise my voice. After everything we've been through, she doesn't trust me.

"It's not that Ross, I just can't tell you," she starts raising her voice back.

"Adri, fucking tell me!," I scream.

"I can't, I just can't!," she starts crying.

"Fine if you can't trust me, then this won't work, we're through Adri," she looks up at me with her big, beautiful hazel eyes, flowing like waterfalls. She ran out of my house with Del, and Rose chasing her. All the guys looked at me with disgust. Tonight, my heart has shattered.


Ross has a weak pull out game, LOL.

What do yall think?

Will she tell Ross?

What do you think of their big break-up?

This book will end soon,


One direction,
Will be in my next book,

Stay Cool B-)

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