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*Adrianna's POV*

Rose rushes me out the door and back over to the other house without so much as saying a word. When we finally got back, I have had enough. "Rose what happened?," I ask angrily. She sits me down, and starts talking. 

"Adrianna, the year isn't 2014 it's 2015, we graduated a month ago, you had an accident, and now you have memory loss," she looks at me waiting for an answer. 

"Are really fucking kidding me Rose, please say your kidding me," I let out a weak laugh, about to snap. I can't believe what I'm hearing, there's no way this could be true. 

"I wish I was," she sighs. That's when I couldn't take it anymore, I bolt upstairs and looked for a place to hide from the world. Finally, I see a hatch in the roof and pull down a ladder. I run up it and quietly shut the hatch. I don't know why I came up here, but it just seems right. It's really pretty in here, there's a blanket fort with pillows and lights. My CD's, favorite DVD's, and books are all up here to. I turn on the Christmas lights and immediately feel safer, I crawl into the blanket tent and lie down. I felt something hard against my head under the pillow. I reach under and pull out my diary. 

"What's my diary doing in here?," I wonder aloud. I've kept this diary since I started high school, this one is special though because there's no music in it. I was about to open it when someone walks in, it's a girl with blonde hair and brown lowlights. Otherwise known as Rydel Lynch. "U-um h-how did you find me?," I ask squirming uncomfortably. 

"Rose told me a while ago where your secret space is, you really don't remember do you Adrianna?," she sits in front of me. 

I solemnly shake my head no, "if I did lose my memories doesn't that mean the people that are my best friends in my head now, aren't in real life?" I question. 

"I- don't know really," she confesses. 

"Rydel what's happening, I'm so confused?," I feel the tears brimming in my eyes again, soon free falling down my face. She comes over and side hugs me. 

"I know Adri, it's okay, I would be confused too," she deeply sighs. 

I look up at her, "what was the other me like, the one from this time, you know, since my heads technically still in junior year?" 

She smiles slightly, "you are confident, strong, loving, you know when the right time is to be serious, and when to be fun," she smiles even brighter, "you think you always have everything under control, but sometimes you break down, and we're all always there for you, you keep telling us that we're your second family, and that you never want this summer to end," she laughs at the end. 

"My old self sounds amazing, unlike this me," I crawl away from her. 

"Why?" she looks at me worriedly again. 

"I'm sorry, I don't like talking about it with anyone, but my counselor Joan," I walk out of the attic area and climb back downstairs. I climb into what I assume is my bed and just lie there thinking about how my old self must be compared to me, who is broken, in so many ways. I place my palm under my shirt and onto my lower stomach, feeling my scars.

*Rydel's POV*

She climbs the down ladder leaving me sitting there, I hear her door shut. There's something else Rose isn't telling us, something important, I climb down myself and look into her room. She's gone, must have gone back over to my house. I look into Adri's room, she sleeping soundlessly on her bed. I sneak out and run over to the house. Inside Rose and Riker are watching fast and furious. Ellington, Rocky and Ryland are playing apples to apples. Ross is curled up into a ball in the loveseat, slightly snoring. I walk over and block the t.v., "awe come on Delly best part to," moans Riker. 

"Shush Riker, I want to talk to Rose," she looks up at me as if expecting this. "Rose at the end of mine and Adrianna's conversation, she told me she told me something, about a counselor named Joan?, who is she talking about?," I give her a small glare. 

"Well, um, w-we shouldn't talk about this in front of Ross, hell I shouldn't be talking about this with anyone, Adrianna forbid it when we hit senior year," she mumbles. Riker looks down at her rubbing small circles on her back. 

The other boys walk over to us sending the tension skyrocketing, "what's going on Del?" asks Rocky. 

"Rose isn't telling us something," I slit my eyelids. 

"U-um Del, I-I seriously can't tell you guys," she squeaks. 

Ross just so happens to stir and wake up at the right moment, he must have been faking sleep, because when he woke up he said, "spill it, Rose." Riker gives her a small nod and she takes in a shaky breath. 

"U-um Adrianna, wasn't exactly mentally healthy during Junior year," we all sat down around her, except for Ross who stayed on the loveseat, carefully listening. "She got bullied a lot, and our "friends" were the cause of it, Andrew tried raping her one day, if I hadn't walked in, she could be," I could see the tears forming. "He didn't end up doing anything to her except beat her thankfully, she did though develop fear, and Andrew made everyone in school hate her saying she tried forcing him, making him the victim," she started bawling, but still finished. "She tried to kill herself so many times, *sniff*, and if she thinks she's back in Junior year she might, actually," she gets up from the couch and runs upstairs bawling her eyes out at the thought. Ross runs out the door with all us following him, except Rik, he's watching Rose, we ran in hope that we aren't too late.

*Adrianna's POV, During the convo*

I got up and texted Tina, surely she knows what's going on, after all we've been best friends since kindergarten and she hasn't turned on me, yet, I still haven't told her about my problems. 

Me: Hey Tin-Tin what's up :)

Tina: what the hell why r u texting me you cutting whore?! I thought I told u, we aren't friends anymore

My stomach drops, so this is it everyone is against me, I'm an outcast, a no one. I walk downstairs and grab a knife sharpest I could find. I put it against my wrist and cut, again, and again, and again, it felt good. I went to my stomach and continued, I start crying, I deserve this. That's when I fully decide, it's time to end it. I put the knife up to my neck, I start to press hard on it when someone pushes me on the floor sending the knife flying away. They're on top of me breathing heavily. My head starts hurting extremely bad, and that's when I get sent into my dreamworld.

#Rydelington will happen soon promise, mabye,##########what will happen next

I'm going to try and go to at least 35 chapters, and I'm also going to do a sequal to this book.

I'm thinking three books, mabye four

So that's all, no more questions until people start answering my others

For now

Stay Cool B-)

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