Birthday, yay, note the sarcasm

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*Rydel's POV*

Its been two days since the appointment, and I'm still worried. They said I'm 2 weeks along, how could I not notice! I sat on the edge of my bed with Ellington, he's about as much stress as I am. We're worried about what my brothers will say, and how this can affect the band. Also, were hoping Riker doesn't try to choke or castrate Ellington. "Ell what do we do!" I sob into his shoulder, he's holding me tightly.

"We have to tell them Del," he whispers softly.

"I know," I let out a small sniff and stand up.

"Come on, lets go tell everyone," he stands up to.

"Hey Ell, one more thing what's today?," I ask.

"The 30th why?," he gives me a weird look.

"Oh crap, TODAY'S ADRI'S 18th BIRTHDAY!," I start freaking out we totally forgot.

*Rosses POV*

I know what today is, and I don't care, or I'm trying not to care. I heard Del yelling about it, saying how she now has to plan a last minute birthday extravaganza. She asked me for help, but I refused, I need to get her out of my head, not deeper in it. She never leaves it, I always see her face or hear her laugh and its maddening. I kind of wish I hadn't broken up with her, but I had to, a girl who keeps secrets is not the girl I've been looking for. Even if she gives me more fireworks than the Fourth of July. Someone knocks on my door, "come in," I call. Calum walks in and sits on my bed with me, I called him over earlier so we could talk about what I should do about Adri.

"Hey dude," he smiles.

"Hey, so, um, I don't know if you know this yet, but I broke up with Adri a few days ago," I sigh.

"Dude! You dumped my cousin! Not cool!," he exclaims.

"I know, but now I can't get her out of my head, and since its her birthday today its even worse," I groan.

"Well, its not my fault that your stupid bro," he chuckles.

"What?," I look at him raising my eyebrow.

"Well, I mean, you two were like meant for each other, and then you threw her away, why?," he gives me a questioning look.

"Because she's keeping something from me, and I feel it's important, you know I hate things like that Calum," I sit up propping myself up on my elbows.

"Well, did you ask about it?," he questions.

"Yeah, and she blew up on me, then we kind of broke up," I felt a pit in my stomach form again as I say broke up.

"Hm, I don't know Ross, I mean she's leaving tomorrow anyways, so there's not much you can do," he hangs his head.

"I think I should apologize," I admit getting up. "I-I just realized I can't lose her over something stupid like that, now that I think about it."

"Yeah, but she's still leaving back to New York tomorrow, and you to England," he states.

"So, what, do you think we should stay friends for now," I reason.

"Yeah, so lets go over there, I didn't get a chance to see my cousins yet," he laughs.

"K, just let me get ready," he walks out and I jump over to my dresser. I pull on a white T-shirt, black jeans, and a pair of red converse. Let's go apologize to my girl.

*Adrianna's POV*

Today's my 18th birthday, and instead of partying with my boyfriend, or singing with my cousin\sister, I'm sitting in my bed, in a black skin tight dress, waiting for Rose to unlock my door. This morning was so weird, all Rose did was wish me happy birthday and make me morning birthday breakfast, then give me a cupcake. After she handed me a bag and locked me in my room. Now, I'm just sitting on my bed, deciding if jumping out my window would be a good idea. "Nah," I breathe out. I then just walk over and pick up my acoustic,

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