I wish that I could wake up with ;-)

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*Rikers POV*

Adrianna got home from the hospital yesterday, but she is in bed rest mode. Tilly, Garret and Trent left three days before her surgery wanting to give her time to heal. Anyways, Ross is staying over at her house for the week to take care of her. That means Rose is coming over here for the week to give them privacy. It's going to be so cool having my girlfriend here for a week. A loud knock rang throughout the house, meaning she's here. I run to the door and so does Rydel, we bump into each other. "Rydel!," I yell. We start arguing on whose fault it was and didn't even notice Ryland letting Rose in. She has at least four bags with her, but they're all duffel bags. 

"Thanks for letting me in Ryland," she smiles and pretends not to notice me. She steps over me and places her bags right next to me. She starts walking away, I quickly get up and hug her from behind. 

"And what do you think your doing," I ask. 

I bend my head into the crook of her neck, "I'm going to say hi to people," she giggles. 

"Not without a kiss first," she turns around and softly kisses me. 

"Come on guys, I wanna keep my breakfast," complains Rocky. We laugh and walk over to the couch. 

"Oh, and what did you have for breakfast a bowl of complainyos," giggles Rose. 

"No, sorry for disappointing you though," she sticks her tongue out at him like a four-year-old. We all burst out laughing. 

When it dies down Ell jumps up and shouts, "who wants to play Halo!" All of our hands shoot into the air, he starts handing out controllers. Rydel gets pink, I get blue, Rocky gets green, Ellington gets purple, Ryland gets orange, and Rose gets Rosses yellow one. Two rounds in we all get bored and its every man for itself. My avatar creeps around the corner when someone shoots me and I die. 

"Whoo! Another kill!," cheers Rose. 

I let out a chuckle, "how can you be so excited about killing your boyfriend?" 

"Because its a game Riker," she pecks my lips and gets back to playing. I love her so much, I just don't know if she loves me back as much.

*Roses POV*

I win the final round of the game, boys are so easy to beat, me and Rydel teamed up until the end, when I shot her. Hey, they said it was every man for himself. I'm really excited about spending a week here with these guys, but I'm also really worried. I know some things about Adri these guys don't, things that can effect her health drastically. The doctors told me she might develop memory loss over the next week, he just doesn't know how severe it can get. I look around at everyone, Ryland passed out on top of the coffee table, his feet are hanging off one end, and his arms the other. Rocky's out cold on the floor next to Ellington. Rydel trudged up to bed earlier in the middle of round 5 out of 10. Riker is also passed out on my shoulder slightly snoring. I love his snore, its so cute, I also love him, I just don't know if he feels the absolute same, I mean we've never said it to each other before. I shake him slightly, he wakes up a little. "Riker you should go to bed," I whisper. 

"Come with," he sleepily smiles. 

"Ok," we get up and I practically carry him to his bedroom. We crawl up close together and snuggle I eventually fall asleep, more peaceful than ever.

*Adrianna's POV*

I toss and turn, what time is it? I open my eyes to a digital alarm clock 10:00, ugh. Wait! 10:00 I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm so mother fucking dead! Why didn't Rose wake me up?! I try sitting up, only to be stopped by someone with their arm around my waist. WTF?! I turn around and see a mop of blonde hair and hear light snores, no this couldn't be?! In MY bed?! I let out an ear piercing scream. He shoots up and I fall out of bed, I crawl over to a corner with a beanbag by it. "Adri! What's wrong?! Is there another spider?!," he asks getting up out of bed. 

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