Chapter 19: Beanheads and un-normal conversations

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The Ninja had all trained non-stop through the morning, until now, which was 1:23pm and they were heading over for some lunch. They were in a light conversation about nothing in particular, just until Reanne opened her mouth and popped a question.

"Hey, what actually happened to Destinies Bounty anyway? Yeah, this base is cool, it just doesn't seem natural"

" went ka-bam!" You guessed it, that was Jay.

"The Overlord caused its destruction using Dark Matter before fighting Lloyd during the metamorphosis on the Island of Darkness" Zane briefly explained.

"Oh..okay?" She shrugged.

"Why'd you ask? Did you not watch anything from inside that cave?" Kai asked, sounding almost shocked.

"Shyldari isn't exactly your biggest fan, no, I didn't. And you really think they'd put your ugly face on TV?"

"You really think they wouldn't put my face on TV?" Cole sped up and walked as if he was on the catwalk, turning around a posing with a ridiculous face, causing the others to laugh at his stupidity.

"Well..what'd you do? Fight?" Lloyd got his question off his chest.

"No. I..just dealt with the torture, but according to Shyldari, I'm his Ninja. I serve him. I got trained, if you want to call it that, but not the way you would expect, I was trained to fight the Shadirians as they were the only thing to practise on, so that's why I'm so good at it. But, he thinks I'm going to fight you all, as he believes I'm one with Darkness as it's my Element. I'm not. You guys are my family, and I'll protect you with my life, that you can count on"

Kai skipped over to Reanne and put his arm around her neck, rubbing the top of her head head with his knuckle "Awh, you softie"

"Kai! Get off me!" She squirmed, breaking free of his grasp and swinging out her hand, slapping him in the arm.

Continuing their walk to the dining room for lunch, they started up a conversation about life and anything random, once they arrived, Jay was the first to dart inside and jump into his seat at the wooden table.

The room itself had a wood laminate floor in which the long table was on, the walls were cream decorated with oak coloured spirals. Everyone was seated except Zane, who had gone through the second door in the room which lead into the kitchen since it was his turn to make lunch.

Lloyd had positioned himself between Cole and Reanne, with Misako and Garmadon on the ends on the right side. On the left was Wu, Kai, Nya, Jay and a open seat for Zane.

When the Ninja of Ice entered holding plates with toasties, a kit-kat and sausage rolls in his pink, flowery apron the others all giggled and sniggered. Reanne, not being used to seeing Zane in his apron, laughed the loudest, but quickly silenced it when she received a look of confusion from poor Zane and a glance from Cole that said 'Ssh, you'll worry him'.

"Oh my God! Zane.." Reanne started before taking another bite of the cheese toastie "This is delicious" She mumbled through bites.

"Why thank you" Zane grinned proudly taking a mouthful of his own lunch, taking off his apron. He sat down next to Jay and placed glasses of apple and blackcurrent squash out for everyone.

"Mmphh..mmm!" Jay made the noise looking at Zane, who continued to eat.

"Your mouth is full, you beanhead!" Cole snapped.

They all laughed and spoke about the joys of Zane's cooking until lunch was finished. Zane began to clear up, but the Sensei's remained seated unlike they would usually do, signalling they had something important to tell the Ninja, so no-one left the dining room until what needed to be told had been said.

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