Chapter 13: Jay, is he hangry?

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"I'm hungry! We haven't eaten for ages!" Jay whined as he flopped onto the floor.

"Jay, you should be more worried about dehydration and heat stroke before starvation" Zane remarked.

"Thanks Zane, that makes us feel a lot better" Kai expressed blankly.

We were gathered around a small fire that Kai had created using his Elemental Powers, the air was crisp, the night was cool without any clouds. We had been in the cave for about a day, although it didn't seem like it. I guess time seems to travel quicker underground.

There wasn't many trees to shelter us, so we sat out on the coarse sand next to a bare tree, that looked more like a over-grown stick standing out the ground which Cole was leaning against with his arms folded, Reanne sitting at the base of it, her back resting against the trunk.

Kai and Zane were warming their hands by the fire, Jay mopping on the ground. I was a little further away, concentrating on forming my power into my Golden Dragon to come pick us up.

A little while later, I regained with the group.

"You done talking to animals, Lloyd?" Cole asked, straightening himself and pulling his cousin, Reanne, up to stand with him.

"Yep. We'll soon be outta this desert" I grinned.

"Rea?" Zane called from his spot by the fire.

"Yes? That's my name" She replied, walking closer to Kai and Zane

"The Shadirians?" He began, Reanne folded her arms and gave a little nod for him to continue "They have a particular eye colour, does that classify a type of clan or tribe?"

She sighed and ran a finger from inbetween her eyebrows to the top of her head, and then back down before answering "Yeah, I guess so. Their eye colour represents a power that they'll be able to possess if they get their hands on the correct Elemental Master.."

She huffed and I frowned, waiting for her to continue "Red for Fire, Blue for Lightning, White for Ice, Brown for Earth and Green for Energy. All of you. Their your shadows, and they can turn you into on of them"

We all stayed silent, hoping she would carry on, in which she did.

"They were created to take your Elemental Powers, but the Shadirian leader, Shyldari, never knew your location, as I never told him, so they never attacked. Now they do, they'll be looking for us, and once Shyldari knows of this, he won't stop until he has us"

"Shyldari? The one with the yellow eyes?" Cole questioned his cousin.

"Mhm, he wants Ninjago. I heard that thousands of years ago, when the Overlord was fighting the first Spinjitzu Master and just as he created the Stone Army to aid him, he brought his shadow to life and combined Shyldari with the most power leader of the Stone Army, but was killed by the first Spinjitzu Master"

"He was once again trapped in the body of a shadow until he received five Elemental Weapons to set him free to take revenge on the Overlord for so called 'abandoning him', but now he has no-one to fight to take Ninjago..apart from us"

"He's after us" Jay was speaking to himself.

"Once he found the prophecy that The Green Ninja would defeat the Overlord, he decided to take one of the Ninja, me..and use me against you. I wouldn't, I let him think I would, when I erased your memories" Reanne finished.

It took me a while to process this in my head, Shyldari had known we were going to at one point come for Reanne. He had created a mini army that could take our Elemental Powers, all to get Ninjago.

He knew I was going to destroy the Overlord. He had hundreds of years of planning to come up with an idea. Somehow, I knew this was going to end up in another huge battle of Ninjago.

This time, we had a new Ninja, Reanne, but he had held her captive her years, who knew what he knew? Whenever the time came, we had to be ontop of our game.

"He knew about this? This would happen?" Kai's voice grew strong.

The Purple Ninja nodded "He's planned to turn Ninjago to a City of Shadows, along with everyone in it. I don't know how we can stop him if he does"

"Then we'll just have to stop him before he gets a chance" I spoke with courage.

"Do you know where he may have gone?" Zane asked.

"No..most of the Shadirians were still in the lair, he couldn't have gone to Ninjago yet" Was Reanne's response.

"Maybe he's gone to build a bigger army?" Jay contributed siting up.

"The quicker we get back to the Sensei's, the quicker we can solve this and kick some shadowy butt!" Cole fist-pumped.

"Yeah? Then that's get outta here" I say, gritting my teeth as a ball of Golden Power engulfed my hands, growing with each second that passed.

I let the Power shoot off, bursting into my beloved Gold buddy, which lowered itself towards the ground and my teammates all stared at the Dragon in awe, it looked almost magical. I smirked at their reactions to my Dragon, I strolled up to him and patted it on the wing, before turning back to the others.

"You coming, or you just going to stand their with your gaping mouths open?" I folded his arms and raised one eyebrow.

Reanne was the first one over in a flash, and the first one, after me of course, onto the Dragon. We didn't blame her, this was her first time out of that cave in..ages. Who knew how long ago it was to when she made the decision to give away her life for us?

She leapt onto the Dragon behind me her arms wrapped around my stomach, her grip being gentle. Hah, I'd love to see her face after she'd witnessed my flying.

When the guys had got themselves on, my Golden Dragon soared into the air, picking up pace with every wing beat. Once I thought we had gathered enough speed, I decided to mix things up a bit by doing some tricks I had learnt: my Dragon did barrel rolls, twists, flips and a couple of dives.

I smile crept across my face when I felt Reanne tighten her grip as we entered a dive.

"Woo!! Yeah!! This is awesome!!" She whooped throwing her hand up into the air. I shook my head and exhaled a laugh.

"Lloyd! Slow down! I'm going to be sick!" I ignored Kai's cry and chuckled along with Reanne.

Again, Reanne returned her hand to being around my stomach and she rested her head on the tricep of my left arm, the breeze whipping through her hair.

Of course, if we had normal lives and were alone this would be an extremely romantic moment, but according to the rules of fate, that wasn't possible.

Especially if you have people like Jay Walker screaming every 3seconds on the back of your Dragon.

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