Chapter 10

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Next Morning,

Ughhh...this is the last meeting before I go back to California. I want to ask Chresanto a question that will change his life.... maybe. I hopped in the warm shower washed my hair and body. I got out,brushed my teeth, got dressed in my suit, and got my shoes on. "Be careful" I heard Chres say as I walked out my room. I walked to the bounce house room and saw Amari Jumping and Chres watching her in a chair. "Chres you don't have to watch her, its safe in here. I motioned him out the room. He took one last look at Amari and walked out with me. I left the door open. "WEEEEEEE" I heard her. "I made you breakfast...if you have time." He said sitting at the table. "Oh I have plenty" I grabbed my misfits mug and poured dark coffee in it. I don't add anything to it I just drink it dark. "Great" he said grabbing the plate from the microwave. I took it and sat. "Thanks" I said drinking my coffee. "What time did you wake up?" He rubbed his eyes. "Like at 4:30 Amari wanted to jump" he yawned. "Wait so your telling me you sat in that chair and watched her for 3 hours straight?" I leaned closer. He simply nodded. "I don't know what I do if she ever got hurt" he said playing with his fingers. "Its okay your just a protective father I get it." I ate my pancake. "Maybe, I have to do Amari's hair today it's getting nappy" he rubbed his eyes. "Chresanto, take a break I promise when I get home I will do it" I said.

"Than-" he stopped himself. "Almost forgot" he said licking his plump lips. "Alright well I have to get going" I drunk the last sip of my coffee and pecked chres on the lips and quickly walked out. "Jacob I can't believe you did that" I said to myself walking to my car.


I-I can't believe that he just... Oh god I kissed a man, and I liked it... I felt on my lips. I might have been quick but I felt softness. I cleaned his mug and his plate and cleaned the whole penthouse. Once I was done I plopped on the bed and closed my eyes.

Hours later,

I woke up I heard crying, Amari's to be exact. I quickly got up and went to the room with the bounce house. She wasn't in there. I panicked. I heard her cry some more. I followed the cry. This house is so damn big you can't find nothing. I opened a door and there I see Jacob calming her down as he combed her hair. I sighed of relief. "Oh she's tender headed." I said closing his bedroom door behind me. "I can see that now" he said softly. I sat in the floor in front of Amari and held her hand. "Its okay princess, daddy is here now." I wiped her eyes and kissed her temple. "P-Promise?" She said holding her pinky up. "Promise" I connected our pinkies. Jacob smiled down at us as he blow dried her wet hair. "How do you know how to do hair?" I asked setting Amari on lap so she would be higher. "Before I became rich I used to work at salon, and Alot of women came everyday." He said combing her now dry hair.

When he was done with Amari she had straight flat ironed hair. He hair honestly went down to her butt. I ran my fingers through it and smiled. "Now that wasn't so bad now was it?" She shook her hair as I took her off the bathroom counter. "Tank you Mr.Perwez" she said smiling with her 2 front teeth missing. "Awe no problem sweetie" he kissed her cheek then kissed mine. I did blush a little.... Okay Alot. But I can help it when good looking man kissed you twice in 1 day then he must like you right?

"Chresanto can I talk to you?" He said motioning back inside his bed room. "What's up?" I asked sitting on the edge of his bed. "Well, I've been thinking and I think youre a good man and all and I want you and Amari to come back to California with me" he said opening his eyes to look at me. I stared at the wall the at him. "You're serious?" I asked. "As a heart attack" he said sitting by me. "I mean its okay if you don't want to you can keep the penthouse and the stuff" he shrugged. "No I want to but...where will I stay?" I said scratching my neck. "Duh with me and I wanna give you a job, you okay with being my assistant, I promise I'll pay you" he said rubbing my shoulders. "How much?" I asked. "Let's say, $50 an hour for 12 hours, even though assistant is supposed to get 10 but I like you so..." I looked at him. "N-not like that I meant as-" I cut him off by kissing him...on his soft, pink lips. Surprisingly he kissed back. My hands rested in his shoulder as his rested around my waist.

We heard a gasp we both quickly pulled away and saw Amari standing in the doorway with glassy eyes. "YOU CHEATED ON MOMMY WITH MR.PERWEZ" she ran off crying. "AMARI WAIT...WAIT PRINCESS" I ran after her.


I can't believe he kissed me. I was waiting on that for along time. Yesterday that the man I wanted was right in front of me. That man was Chresanto August a 21 year old honk that is great with kids... But I kinda feel bad now Amari saw us swapping spit and now she's all sad saying chres cheated. I have to make it up to her

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