6: Planning

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I wake to the sun streaming into the small cabin; the sun rays illuminate the dust swirling around in the air. I have to remind myself I am in Goraldia and not in my bed at home. Looking around me, I see attire like what Icarus wore yesterday sitting on a wooden chair. He had gone in the night to the next town to buy gear for me, evading torches to avoid having his face seen. I put on the clothes and toss my old ones. They're nothing but rags anyways. The clothing he brought for me is oddly comfortable. 

Icarus is waiting for me outside, sitting on the edge of the deck. I join him and look out at the trees leading to the lake in the early morning sun. The scene is very pretty: Orange pine needles litter the ground, the sun illuminates enough of the ground to see well, the lake shines in the background, and the air was refreshing. Now that I am in Goraldia, I need to adjust to the weather and culture, but it seems easy so far. I also need to figure out what I will do.

We sit there for a few minutes. I look over to see Ic's face distant and full of thought. Another minute passes then I get my voice to work. "What do I do now?" I ask him.

"We," he responds, without losing his gaze on nothing. "We find others."

"Others?" I ask. "How many of us are there?"

"Before you got here? Not many. But this morning the lights returned. This isn't normal," he tells me. Then he turns his head to face me. "I think the gods of this world have lost control. If they even exist anymore. And if Airic generates a connection with the gods, just or evil, this world and Earth will be in danger of being cast into chaos and destruction. More transmittances is a terrible thing for our worlds, but we may be able to use them to our advantage."

I ponder this for a while. "Icarus?" I inquire, "can I ask you something?" He nods to me. "Was I the first to arrive here? The way you freaked out so much by Airic's lights, I assumed, but I would like some confirmation."

"Yes. You were the first one to appear, and was thus normal," Icarus explains. 

I think about where I came from. The images are all fuzzy, but then it clears up in one area. I remember the abnormal storm. "Ic," I say to get his attention. "Eric was a friend of mine from Earth. Now, this could be coincidence, but there was an unnatural storm that came in around my death. Could... could these, uh, 'gods' have sent the storm? And if so, could the people coming here be all from where I lived?" I fear that all my past friends, whether I recall them or not, are in danger.

"That would be very odd. The chances of all deaths happening in the same area - that would be just too small," He soothes. "...But if they are, then we really need to stop the gods soon." He sits there, solemnly. 

After another long pause, with both of us deep in thought, I ask the one question that I have absolutely no idea what the solution is. "How will we find them?"

"The world is too big. They will have to find us. There is a technique that I heard about from legends of centuries ago. You can send up lightning into the sky and spread it out far and wide. Since there are no clouds, it'll be extremely irregular and will hopefully attract them. Or scare them. unfortunately, those native to this world will see this, too, so we gotta keep moving. You will have to send the message lightning daily. The task requires nearly all your energy, but I can protect you if need be. We'll start at the top of that mountain. That way you will be closest to the sky."

"Once we have everyone, what comes after?" I ask.

"The people of this world hunt us out of fear, and anger, but there are a few who don't fear us. I know a man who is fascinated by us. Once gathered, we will head to Matholm, the large city, and find Frominon. From there we can get all our supplies for our journey."

"When do we leave?"


"No rest?"

"You slept in. You got plenty of rest."

Icarus gets up and starts walking away. Twenty feet away he stops and turns around. 

"I'm not the one that controls lightning, y'know."

I sigh, then get off the deck and follow him. We get past the village fine, and hike up to the mountain. During our hike, we talk a bit. About plans, Goraldia, and what we can remember about Earth. I bring up how many there are. Icarus responds, "there's... you and I, and Airic, and then there is the unknown new person. There are also the few that were here before you, if they're still alive: Silas from Brazil, Yrisi from Norway, Lerilest is from Russia, and then Adon, who has forgotten his past entirely. Adon has been corrupted as Airic has, but he's been kept in check by his jailors."

Icarus and I get to the base of the mountain when Icarus stops us. "I have to warn you," Icarus tells me. "This world is very different and very dangerous. I live in this area because it is the most resemblant of Earth. You must be ready for encounters with horrible beasts and dangerous terrain."

"Icarus," I reply,"it doesn't matter if I'm ready or not. Both our worlds are hanging in the balance and we're really the only ones who can set everything straight."

Icarus smiles at me. "You're right. We have to force ourselves to be ready. Now, let's be off." And we start our climb up the mountain path.

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