7: The First Signal

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The sun's hovering directly above us. We started our ascent. "This better work," I tell Icarus. "It's the only thing that could work, so it will work," he assures me. Heat is beating down on us. We were an hour up the climb when the heat stopped suddenly. Looking up, I see the lights. There's another.

"I fear some of these are corrupted souls," Icarus worries. "As we gather them all together, we need to worry about our own safety from ourselves, as well as from the hunters." He still has a worried look about the lights.

"But we do still need to gather them, so we have to continue," I add, looking at him instead of the sky.

"Yeah, I know," he says. He looks down as well and we continue our march. Our climb is steady and takes us a couple more hours. 

Once at the top, we duck into the cave tunnel's entrance. Icarus bought me a water skin, and I gladly drain the bottle. After cooling off in the cave, the sun was nearing the horizon. Icarus briefs me on what I should do and feel, as they were all just legends. I take my stance outside the cave mouth and Icarus backs up into the cave. I breath out. This will be one of the hardest feats I will ever achieve.

I close my eyes and shut off my senses. I call upon every bit of biological electricity I have, and start to charge it. My energy multiplies by at least ten times. At that point I couldn't contain it all, and lighting zaps around in my own electrical aura. I open my eyes and raise my hands to the skies. Shift I command my energy. All the electricity shifts to my arms, which let off powerful shocks between each other and the ground around me. Now! I direct. The energy gets pulled viciously forward, much like a railgun. Lightning launches out, sizzling and zapping on its assent. The lightning takes a straight path upward, save some arcs that jump out and fade away. Once it had reached the mountain's summit, I began the second and harder phase. OUT! I demand of the lightning as I pull apart my arms rapidly to be outstretched away from each other. The lightning at the peak of the mountain spreads out in multiple directions. Zapping its way across the sky, I get drained of nearly all energy extraordinarily quickly. I hold the lightning with all my will for as long as I could, then stand there, limply, when I had used everything that I had. The lightning courses through the sky and spreads out and disappears into the distance. I achieved what should not be possible for a person of my skill level. I smile as tunnel vision takes over. Oh boy.

I can't tell if I fell, or how long I was out, but I wake up in the cave room. I had been set in the inner circle. I lay there regaining my life force for an unimaginable time to me. Once refreshed, I sit up. I spot Icarus in the corner. He looks at me with congratulation.

"It worked," he tells me. "You did an amazing job."

"I'm not sure I want to continue doing amazing jobs," I respond.

"Your energy will stretch farther in the future. In fact you are more powerful now, because of the massive output." Icarus walks over and helps me up. "We need to begin heading to Matholm now," he says with his hands on my shoulders.

"Ok, lets go."

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