17: Escape From the Floating Temple

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I'm flying.

I can't feel or see my body, but I'm flying. It's evening in the floating islands, but there are no other rocks to be seen. I fly through the air fast as I can, but I don't hear any wind. I laugh out, only... there is no sound. That's when I get scared. I start to worry, and I try to call out again. I can't form a sound. It's like my body locked up and I couldn't exhale. This time I was just angry. I frown and try once more. Still nothing. I give up and just continue forward.

Suddenly, far in front of me, black swirls into existence and forms a ball. Then it starts to grow. My face drains its color and became hot. There's a black hole in front of me and I can't stop! It grows to a massive size, encapsulating half my vision. Deep in the center I see someone. I stop panicking and glare at the person. The person launches forward at me, extremely quickly. I only recognize his face in the last second. Airic. Airic controls the black hole. I scream successfully this time. Airic runs into me while the air fills with a massive rumble.

My eyes open quick as a flash and I gasp. I try to sit up before I feel Max still on me. I shake her awake and hurry to the balcony. It's some time the next day, but everything is nearly dark. Basically the only light is the constant flashes of lightning. Lightning of which I have no control over. I tried. I really tried. There was nothing in my power that I could do. I'm honestly scared.

Max and I rush down the stairs to find Icarus already there and Yrisi rushing in. He looks at me expectantly.

"Can you stop it?" he urges.

"No, it's not right. It's weird," I respond.

"Uuuuh, right right right," Icarus stammers. He searches his mind for answers. "It's a magnetic storm. It does this without weather." Trayc rushes in finally. "GOOD! good! Can you do anything?" He smiles while he waits for a yes.


His smile becomes fake as he searches for new ideas. He starts to pace back and forth, nervously. Wind rushes into the open room sharply. The lightning is getting closer. I gasp as the floor beneath me shifts. The temple angles slightly and accompanied with the wind, I struggle for balance.

"Yeah, ok. New plan:" Icarus instructs, "no plan. Whatever it takes, we need to get off of here." 

"Oh that's wonderful," Max utters.

"Maybe Trayc can-" Icarus started. Over the rolls of thunder, deep screeches echoe through the marble hall. "Go. GO NOW!" Icarus shouts to us. We start to run back to our entrance when a dark figure darts in from the side. 

"Shit," I say, inaudible to the rest of them. A group of screeches lash out loudly. several more dark figures dash around. One lands in front of Icarus. It's too dark to make out features, but the lightning illuminates enough to see where they are. I caught glimpses of the details on their bodies. They have wings, scaly and scraggly. They have horns that run back, away from their skull and curve outward slightly. Fiery eyes shine out brighter than the rest of their body. Gnawing teeth, long, sharp, and sturdy.

"DRAKONS!" Icarus shouts. The rain clusters together forming a water-whip/sword which he uses to attack the beasts.

"GO! TRAYC! YRISI! HELP US, MAX!" I order. Trayc and Yrisi run to the edge of the temple, where Trayc creates an unsturdy wind current to carry them down hastily. I look forward again to see Icarus fending off the Drakon. "Small dragons," I tell myself. "Easy." I'm terrified, regardless.

Max lights up and I charge into Icarus's drakon. Lightning covers my outstretched fist as I lunge into the side of its face. It goes flying (without its wing's assistance, this time) to the other edge of the temple where it unsteadily attempted to stand back up before giving up. I spot something on the edge of my vision. A drakon lunges at me as I turn my head and I flash myself out of the way. 

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