3: Corruption

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Back on Earth, the rain didn't stop. The water levels were rising, and the streets were dangerous. Over the course of a week and a half, full pouring rain shot down from the skies. But on the first night, a few hours after my own death, Eric was having trouble in a game. And he held games in very high regards; his parents did not. Eric could care less about the storm outside, as long as he had access to the internet.

"53 in a row," Eric tells himself, very frustrated. "53 god damn losses in a row! Can I not get a break?!" He slams his fists against his keyboard and throws it at a wall. Violently pushing away from his desk, he gets up and throws his chair to the ground. He pulls his door open quickly, not caring if it makes a whole in the wall. "How will I get ANYWHERE if I keep getting matched up with CHEATERS?!" Eric screams as he charges through his house. His father isn't home, but his mom is. "You're not going to get ANYWHERE if you KEEP PLAYING THOSE STUPID GAMES OF YOURS! They consume all your time, and teach you NOTHING!" Eric's mom yells at him. "Shut up, Mom! You know nothing about video games! I could be FAMOUS! I could be RICH! Video games are my key to success!" Eric wails at his mother. "Well, I'm not buying you anything! you can go without your computer until you're famous!" His mom says, mockingly. "AAAAH!" Eric exclaims as he swipes everything off the table. Then while Eric's mom cleans up his mess, harassing him the entire time, he grabs the keys to their car without her knowing. Eric storms out of the house pounding the door closed, and that's the last time he was seen alive.

Eric had never driven before, but knowing what you're doing doesn't matter when you're on a rampage. The door flies open and slams shut. The engine turns on and is put in reverse. The car breaks through the garage door, damaging itself. Eric pulls the car around, spinning it wildly on the wet road. Then he sticks the car in drive and floors it. Off Eric goes with his parents vehicle.

Eric had never driven, but he'd played many driving games, which let him know a little about what he was doing. He sped off in no particular direction, just away from people. Out into the woods he drove, rain splashing violently against his speeding windshield. Once he had gotten away from all light poles, he could not see, because he hadn't turned on his headlights. That didn't matter to him.

As he got completely away from the last light pole, he speed up as fast as the car would let him, and blared the car's horn while screaming as loud as he could. How could no one understand him? How could no one understand video games? He was so frustrated, not just from this one incident, but from every incident that had piled up. Eric was so frustrated, in fact, he didn't care if the car were to crash right now, and so his wish was granted.

The road took a right curve. There was railing on the left side of the road with reflective plates, but without headlights and speeding at 147 miles per hour, the railing was useless. The car plunges through the railing, and off into the trees below. The car rolls down the hill, horn still blasting. Eric hadn't bothered with a seatbelt. He faceplants the steering wheel then slams into the ceiling. His ears were filled with noise and his eyes only saw darkness. His body was breaking: a femur, a hand, some ribs, his skull.

The car stops as it smashes against a large tree. Eric had died. He had been visited in his final moments, as everyone else. Although his visitor, unlike Dieter's, was evil, and intended terrible things for him.

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