Two Outlaws Equal, Yes Indeed

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Hiya, my Batling Army. The title for this chapter is from the lyrics for The Gunsling by Black Veil Brides, and there should be a lyric video of it included:3 I hope you enjoy this, and I look forward to getting some feedback, maybe. I will try to update this as soon as I can, and will, infact, start writing the next chapter right away. Please let me know if you think I should carry on or not, or if there is anything you would like me to include in teh next chapter; it would be very much apprieciated. Anyway... the story... Enjoy, my little Batling Army 

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Ashley's P.O.V:  

The sun was finally dipping below the horizon, indicating it was time for me to get ready for the party. Yesterday, when I was shopping, my friend, Jinxx, pounced on me screaming in an attempt of an excited high school girl voice.  

"Ashley, Ashley, you have to come to the party, man!" He pleaded.

"Whoa, wait, what party?" I enquired,

"Party... Tomorrow... Half eight... Jake's place" he managed to squeal between breaths. "So, you're in?"  

"Hell yeah! I could do with a party right now," internally I was jumping for joy because Jake was a good friend of mine, and he always threw great parties where anyone could come.  

You never know; I could meet the love of my life, I joked to myself.

I made my way to the shower, knowing I had two hours to get ready. Turning the shower on, I started to remove my pants and shirt as I checked my body over in the mirror. After I was completely undressed I noticed that I wasn't as toned as I would like, so I promised to myself that I would work out more to make sure I stayed toned. The shower was hot by the time I was ready, so I eagerly entered, allowing the fresh water to cascade over my tanned, muscular build. I gently ran shampoo and conditioner through my shoulder length, jet black hair and left. I wrapped a towel around my waist, to cover myself, and got changed into a fitting blank tank top, a leather jacket, my ripped black skinny jeans with chain on and my cowboy boots. Yeah, I like black, so what? My heart jumped when I looked at my phone and see I only have ten minutes to get ready; I still have my hair and makeup to do yet. Quickly, I run back into the bathroom, sifting through my makeup bag and apply a thin layer of eyeliner, peach lipstick and blusher.  

Crap, four minutes to go.  

"Damn it!" I curse as I realise I have lost my brush and hurriedly search for the pest. Shoes, coats, bags, hats, and a lot more were flung around the room for several minutes until I eventually found my hair brush. "You better be nice and work quickly now, you pest," I mutter to my brush. Yeah, I was talking to my brush... what about it?

Already late for the party I teased my hair into shape and ran from my apartment to Jake's house; usually I would take my bike but, seeing as in two points from having my license taken away, I think it would be best not to get yet another D.U.I. turning the corner to Jake's street, I could see many cars parked up outside, one looking a lot like a hearse. I eyed the car suspiciously as I walked up to jakes house. Before I even got to the door I could clearly hear the music blaring out; Avenged Sevenfold, Gunslinger screamed into my ears, announcing the party had already begun. Great.

Just as I approached the door, it swung open, causing me to jump as it revealed a tall, skinny boy that appeared to be around 18 years old.

"Err... sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... I... err... I was just getting some air," he stuttered in a surprisingly deep voice as he swept a lock of his black hair from his bright blue eyes. I had never seen such blue eyes. "Err... have I got something in my face?" He questioned nervously as he raised a hand to face.  

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