I'll Carry You Away From The Fire

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Hi my Batling Army, I promised it would be a bit happier so I hope this is okay; any way, I hope you enjoy this chater.. so... on with the story. bye for now, my Batling Army 

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Andy's P.O.V:

I could have cried tears of joy when Ashley returned, and in fact, I did. It was as if everything was going to be okay, but I knew deep down that it wasn't. Ashley wasn't okay. He was sick, but I was going to do everything in my power to help him. I couldn't see my one and only waste away.

Keeping to my vow, over the next couple of weeks I had nursed him, held him, and did pretty much everything I could for him. I saw him come alive every night he was on stage, I watched him look nervously at me before he spoke to a fan, in case it would hurt me; I stood by him as he broke down, but throughout the whole thing I never once left his side. He seemed to be recovering, and for that I am very grateful. Jon had gotten him a therapist, whom he spoke to each day as we travelled, and it seems to have worked well on him. In fact, today he is even laughing, and back to his old self.

"Hey, Ashy, honey, come over here," 

"Nu-huh, Batman. I'm not moving for anything," he stuck his tongue out at me, with a cheeky smile. "Oh, fine then... I guess I'll just have to keep all of this Bubble mint to myself..." I pout, sticking out my bottom lip,  

"Move over Andy, I take it all back, I need that bubble mint!" he jumps over, reaching for the gum, but I pull up my legs, stuffing it under them before resting them down again.  

"Try and get it now, Ashy,"  

"Oh, don't push me, Batman," he said, sitting down next to me with his legs across my lap; Man, I have missed this Ashley. "Hah! See! I told you I would get it!" he yelped, springing up from his spot. Damn. He distracted me and then reached under my legs.  

"You're in for it now, Purdy Boy," I leapt up from my spot, grabbing him by the wrist, and pulling him gently towards me.  

"Hmm, really Batman; what are you going to do to me then?" his voice came low and sexy. I pulled him closer and wrapped my slender arms around his toned waist; our lips crashing together in a moment of passion. His sweet tongue licked across my bottom lip, begging for entrance, which I gladly gave him and let him explore my mouth. I let out a moan, and he smiled into the kiss. He backed me up against the wall at the back of the bus, and deepened the kiss. My hands worked their way up his back beneath his shirt, and his hands locked in my hair, causing me to let out another moan. I slid my hands down to his butt, bringing him closer to me, and pulling away from the kiss to catch my breath. A cheeky half smile flickered on his face as his gorgeous brown eyes sparkled with the same, lust filled look that they held when I first saw him. I lean back down to him, trailing slow kisses from his mouth down to his neck, where I then gently bite, making him moan quietly. "I love you, Andy" he breathes into my ear. I pull away, kissing his lips once more before tickling him quickly and walking to my bunk. Where are you going?" he asks.  

"I'm getting changed; can we go out for a bit?" I wanted to take him to a park I found when I was little; it means nothing to him, but to me it means a lot to share such a memory filled place with him. It was at this park that I took out my anger as a child and learnt to be creative.

I put on my black leather skinnies and grabbed a sweater; of course, Ashley would look stunning in his cowboy boots and hat, black skinny jeans, and jacket. I applied a thin layer of eyeliner, and teased out my hair so it didn't look as though I had just rolled out of bed. Lacing our hands together, we walked out he bus into the sunny day awaiting us... we are no longer in Nebraska, and instead we are in Kentucky; my birth-town. I had left a note for the guys, so they could call me if they desperately needed us, but I was hoping they wouldn't. Even though, I haven't been here for quite a while, I still knew every street, every alley off by heart, and in no time at all we found our destination. The park is out of the main part of the town I grew up in, and its only access was from this unknown path around a woodland area; this is why I always used to call it my park, as no one else used to know anything about it; only my parents. The midday sun glittered through the trees, dappling the floor, and the green park stood ever proud even though it had long since been abandoned.

"This park used to be my respite, and it means a lot to me; that is why I have decided to show you this place and no one else. I wanted to share it with someone special,"  

Ashley stood there, eyes wide open as he absorbed the picture before him. It was like a refuge in amongst the forest; it was more like a national park due to the flowers and trees, than a children's play park. Even so, it still had a slide and two swings in the middle of the spiralling walkways. It is truly a place of wonder. Ashley grabs my hand, pulling me along the closets walkway singing 'Follow The Yellow Brick Road' even though the floor was a pale pink... but you have to love it when Ash is happy because it is darn near the cutest thing anyone could ever see.

His eyes were sparkling again, and a cheeky grin played at his lips. Still holding my hand, he sits on a swing, pulling me closer. A soft chuckle escapes my throat as I let go of his hand, and wrap my arms around his waist. The height difference between us isn't as bad as I had expected because the swing was pretty high. His soft lips press against mine, and he wraps his legs around my waist. I slide my hands down to his butt, and pick him up, turning us around and sitting down on the swing, his legs still wrapped around my waist as he sits on my lap, arms clinging around my neck. A childish smile plays in his lips as he looks up, into my eyes.  

"How many other people know about this place, honey?" his soft, sexy voice sounds,  

"Only my parents because they had the police look for me one time I got into a fight; I had come here after school so I wouldn't have to face going home to my parents covered in cuts and bruises, and they became worried. The police found me here when I didn't come back home, but from then on if I was ever out or late to come home my parents knew I would be here. I never wanted to tell anyone else because I didn't trust them enough to share my secret place." A cute smile plastered his face, and he stretches up, pecking me on the lips, "But you are my world, honey, and please remember that. I am beside you every step of the way."

The sun was dropping into late afternoon, casting elongated shadows around us; in a couple hours the sun would be setting, making it a really romantic date. I was lying on the grass with Ash lying next to me, resting his head on my chest. My phone vibrates, and Ashley makes a dirty comment about it... trust Ashley, though, no one else could say some of the perverted stuff he does and yet still seem cheeky and attractive, and even innocent sometimes.  

"Hey, Andy, you two will be needed back soon to get ready for tonight's show." Jake urgently said.  

"Oh shit, yeah I forgot about that then; don't worry; we will be back in a bit." I ended the call, and then turned to a sleepy Ash, "Babe, we have to go back to the bus because we have a show in a bit; that will wake you up," sluggishly, he gets to his feet, and entwines his hand with mine as we make our way back to the bus and get ready for the show.

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