Praying For What Your Heart Brings

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Hiya, my Batling Army. I'm sorry I' taking a while and it proably isn't very good... but if you have any feedback could you please tell me?

Anyway, enough of me.. I hope you enjoy the story. See ya, my little Batling Army :3

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Andy's P.O.V:

I couldn't help but wonder why Ash had reacted the way he did when Jake came in earlier, saying about us flirting. At first he acted as if it was true, and then he seemed to be pissed off because he put in his music and blanked Jake and I.

At first I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to Jake about it. But after confirming that Ash was in fact listening to music, I felt as though I would be safe to explain it all to Jake. I told him that I was actually in love with Ashley and always have been, Jake just smiled, and commented reassuringly throughout the whole thing, as I poured my heart out to him. Practically in tears, Jake said one thing that I never thought to be real or even considered by anyone else: "I don't know about you, but I've seen the way Ashley looks at you, bro. He only blushes when he is around you, I think he is just confused or is worried to admit how he feels for you," Jake had left soon after, leaving me to ponder about what he could have meant. Surely it couldn't be true, but then again, I admitted that we do 'flirt', so to speak.

Now that Jake had left, I wanted to know what was bothering Ashley and see if he was okay; who knows, he might even reveal what Jake had said to be true. There was a soft thump as I hopped gracefully from my bunk and proceeded to climb the ladder to Ash's bunk.

My presence startles him at first, but he welcomes me and pauses his music. He is clearly distressed with something because you can see the layer of water in his eyes about to spill down his cheeks.

"Look, I am here for you if you ever need anyone to talk to. And just ignore Jake, because what you feel has nothing to do with him, nor does it have anything to do with me. In fact, it has nothing to do with anyone other than yourself, and you shouldn't let someone's offhand comment get to you. You should probably get some rest," I said, comfortingly, which Ashley returned with a grateful smile. He shyly asked me to stay with him, which I immediately took up because I couldn't bare leaving him whilst he is like this. We snuggled up on his bed, and he slowly closed his eyes, drifting off into what I hope to be a restful sleep.

His arms were wrapped around my waist, and his head rested peacefully upon my chest. I gently stroked his head in a soothing rhythm and watched his breathing slow down to a steady rate. He looks so sweet, so peaceful, he looks like an angel. I know, its cliché, but he does. The way his soft black hair caresses his delicate face, the way his lips lay slightly apart as he sleeps, it just makes him look all the more sexy. It was moments like this that I love, but it is also moments like this that make me wonder what it would be like if Ashley knew how I felt.

Snuggling in to him more, I could smell his sweet, peach perfume, and I smiled. His peach perfume is the one I love best. He blends it with his Axe body spray so it gives him a delicate but manly smell, something that only he would think about doing. I slowly closed my eyes, hoping to drift off into a much needed sleep. As my mind started to blur into temporary unconsciousness, I heard a sleeping Ashley whisper one word, 'Andy...' A small smile played at the corner of my lips as I drifted off into sleep.

It was the hub bub coming from the rest of the guys that woke me up.

"Dude, where did Andy go? He isn't in his bunk!" CC yelled,

"Calm it CC, I think I know where he is," Jinxx said, and I knew for sure that he would find me; I didn't want to move from Ashley, so I just pretended to be sleeping again as he pulled back the curtain.

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