I've Come Undone, I'm On The Run

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Hiya, my Batling Army. I hope you are enjoyng the story, please leave your comments. Also thank you for all of the people reading:) It has 80 reads :0 Anyway, I hope you enoy this chappy, I was crying as I wrote it, so yeah... bye for ow my Batling Army 

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Andy's P.O.V:

Ashley ran from me, and then off the bus. I know I was way out of order. I've fucked up big time. I grabbed a jacket then run from the bus as well. There was no trace of Ashley, even his footprints had been covered by the constantly falling snow. In the freezing whirlwind, I search for Ashley, grabbing out my phone from my frozen pocket and typing frantically 'Ashy, I'm sorry. I know I was completely out of order, but I was hurt by what you said. And I know now that I shouldn't have been. We need you back. I need you back. I don't want you being out here by yourself in the snow. You're going to get ill' I sent it as an icy tear rolled down my cheek. He has to be out here somewhere.

I keep telling myself that I will find him, as I search, but no sign of him becomes apparent. The cold has gripped my bones, making it very difficult and excruciatingly painful to move; worries about Ashley fill my mind again, because, as far as I know, he hasn't got a coat to keep him warm, lucky he had a long-sleeved sweater then. My stomach lurches at the thought of him getting ill. I can't stop searching for him.

Hoping for a reply, I try his mobile again, calling and texting it several times.  

"Ashley, pick up," I whispered into the phone as if it would increase the chances of answering my calls. I knew I would probably be the last person he wants to speak to right now, but I need him, I need to know if he is okay. My heart breaks a little bit inside me when the call goes to voicemail. 

"ASHLEY!" I scream up into the air, in hope of him hearing me and responding. I wait. Silence. He was either refusing to reply to me, or he didn't hear it. I was hoping for the latter.  

"ASHLEY" I screamed again, as I carried on waking through the streets, listening out for a response. All I received was my echo. Despair started to set in, and I desperately try everything I can think of. Suddenly, I remembered that he may be ignoring ME but he might want to speak to the guys, instantly, I pick my phone up and my numb thumbs clumsily punch in Jake's number... in case you haven't noticed, I normally turn to Jake for anything; he is like a brother to me... just a nice older brother and one you can trust.  

"Hey, Andy, we were getting worried, where are you? Are you okay?"  

"I'm fine; I need to find Ashley. He's going to freeze to death, Jake. I need him. I need you to speak to him, or something because he isn't returning my calls. I've fucked up big time." I stumble over my words, and they seem to blend into one singular, long word. Luckily for me, Jake has known me for long enough to get used to this.  

"Jon has spoken to Ashley; he says he just needs to clear his head for a bit. We hope to hear from him soon, but we need you to come back, Andy. We can't have both of you getting ill..." 

"No, I can't leave him out here; I need to find him... Jake, if it was Ella out here you would continue to search,"  

"I know I would. But I also know that when something happens to the person you love, you don't think clearly. You need to come back. We can help you find him then." 

"How? How can anyone help find him? I don't know where he went, Jake, I've lost him. He's going to hate me."  

"You haven't lost him, Andy..." 

"But what if he never comes back,"  

"He will, he doesn't want to walk away, he just wants to calm down. Just give him time," 

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