Turn Out The Light

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Hello again, my litlle Batling Army :3 I wonder if anyone actually reads these, or if im talking to myself 0.o anyway, I just wanted to say that I may not always update this fast. however I have a lot of spare time on my hands at the moment so I thought I would share some stuff. Again, please leave me a message or a comment with any feedback, it would be very much appreciated.  

So... back to the story... I hope you enjoy, my little Batling Army :3 

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Ashley's P.O.V:

Last night Andy was moaning in his sleep, and I could have sworn he said my name at least once. Now, most guys would have been freaked out by that, however, I didn't mind. In fact, I thought it was kind of sweet, or something. I'm not actually quite sure what I thought of it, but I know I wasn't freaked out, nor did I feel anything bad about it. I guess I was actually excited by it. The only problem is... I'm straight, and I have a girlfriend; a loving girlfriend, who I am completely devoted to. There is no way she can know this. There is no way I can allow her to find out that I, Ashley freaking Purdy, had a fucking dream about Andy last night.

My head was so confused this morning when I awoke from my slumber, so I had to speak to Andy, just to see if it was all a dream or not, but it only proved to be very real, and it left me in even more of a muddle than before. There is no way I am gay, or even bisexual. I am known as the biggest man whore of L.A. and I didn't get that by banging men. I am, and always have been straight. So why I get nervous around Andy, I don't know. It's just because he is new, I think.

Anyway, I decided to call my girlfriend, Kina, who I love whole heartedly, so I could get over this mess and sort my head out, and I arranged for her to come over. I was really looking forward to this because I haven't seen her in a while, but at the same time I'm sort of dreading it. I was starting to dread it even before Andy going weird, but now I am dreading it more because I feel as if I should go and comfort Andy, but I don't know how to. Plus, I really want to know what caused him to act all weird this morning; surely it couldn't be because of Kina? I don't know. Maybe I will be able to talk to him about it, later on, before Kina arrives. Whatever it was, I just hope he is okay soon.

After this morning, I don't really have a lot of motivation to do anything, but I know I have to make this place look okay for Kina, so I busy myself with chores, but I soon run out of stuff to do because I am always cleaning my apartment. I picked up my phone, half wanting to put off seeing Kina, but also wanting her here, and unthinkingly type a message: 'Hey honey, I hope you're still okay for tonight. I'm really bored right now and I can't wait to see you. I could really do with you right now. Love you xo' I automatically sent it without even registering what I was doing. Well, I was right, I could really do with her being here now, but not for the reasons she's thinking.

A tired sigh flows from my body as I heave myself from my chair and drag myself to my room. I hunt through my clothes to find something comfy yet sexy to wear, although, I'm not sure whether it is Kina or Andy I want to impress most.

My phone buzzes, alerting my of Kina's response: 'Of course I am okay for tonight, I have missed you so much, honey. I can come over at half seven if you would like? Aw, sweetie, I will be there soon, love you too xo' I quickly type my reply saying that it is fine for her to come over at half seven and then return to looking through my clothes. In the end I settled for my cowboy boots and hat, my ripped black skinny jeans, a leather jacket and nothing else. I added a bit of eyeliner and my peach lipstick on before a little perfume...Yeah, that's right, I use perfume, not cologne. So what? After I was ready, Andy arose from his slumber looking a little more rested than he did this morning.  "Morning, sleepy head," I chuckle "nice bed hair, there."
"Oh god, really? What's it like?"
"Oh, you know, like a monster dragged a cat through a lake, then into a tumble dryer before pulling it through a hedge backwards..."
"Well, you get ten marks out of ten for 'confusing the living shit out of Andy Biersack the second he wakes up with your crazy bull-dust'" a smile worked his way onto his delicate face and his sparkle had started to return to his eyes.  
"Did I ever tell you how much you suit that lip ring?" I said without thinking, again.  
"Err... no... I don't often get people running to tell me about how I suit my lip ring... but... thanks?" His cheeks flushed red and he looked away, holding hands and biting on his lip ring; gosh he looked cute. Wait, what? Did I just tell him that he looked good with his lip ring AND Kina is coming over in a minute? Fuck. "What time is Kina coming over then?" he asked, nodding over to me, so I guess he was talking about me being dressed up.  
"Erm she is coming over in about two hours; you slept through most of the day. You look a bit more peaceful though, so was your sleep better?"  
"Sort of, but that doesn't matter. Crap, I'm going to get something to eat then, see you in a minute," he walked out of the room, and I couldn't help but smile at how he was seeming a bit more like himself and that he got all shy when I said about his lip ring.

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