I've Got My Pride So Hear Me Sing

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Hey, my little Batling Army :D I'm sorry this is probably a crap chapter, but I'm doing my best as I have a lot goig on right now. I would have uploaded sooner, but I got distracted and ended up watching a load of Black Veil Bride clips xD

Anywho.. I'm sorry again, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Bye for now, my Batling Army:3

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Ashley's P.O.V:

It doesn't feel as if it was a whole year ago since Andy and I formed the band. I could remember the day we met as if it was yesterday; his shy demeanour disappearing the second he started singing. I couldn't believe how much this year has changed us. We used to be guys with a passion to become a well-known rock 'n' roll band that tours the world, and now, we actualy are the people we dreamt we could be. Today is the start of our first tour, and I cannot wait! We had realeased our debut album, called We Stitch These Wounds, and now we were touring the States before heading out to Europe. This is going to be fun year!

"Ash, are you ready?" Andy's gorgeous deep voice sounded from behind me, startling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm ready, are you?" he nodded, showing he was ready to go. The tour bus was a fifteen minute drive away, but there would be no point driving when there would be nowhere for us to leave the car for two months over there, so we dragged our luggage downstairs and got into an awaiting taxi. Andy and I were both shaking with excitement by the time we pulled up at the tour bus. Jake and Jinxx were already outside. Typical, it would be CC to arrive last; I chuckled to myself, gaining me a suspicious look from Andy.

"What's that about?" He whispered in my ear as we got out of the car. Man, his scent is amazing.

"Oh, err... I was just thinking about how CC is last again," I stuttered. Damn, I still get nervous around him, and a blush was working its way onto my face again. Stop it Ash. You're straight, remember? Over the past year I have become very attached to Andy, and sometimes I even find myself fanaticising about him. But I know I don't fancy him... I can't. Although I don't have a girlfriend anymore, I have gone back to being known as the L.A. Whore. Surely that proves I'm straight? For some reason, I can't be sure.

"HEEEEYYY GUYS, SORRY FOR BEING LATE!" CC all but yelled at the top of his constantly loud voice.

"Hey, CC, man, now you're here we can go inside the bus; Jon wouldn't let us go in until everyone was here," Oh, Jon is out tour manager, I forgot to mention that. He's a stout character with one of the best sense of humours a tour manager could have; we all get on very well with him.

The bus was painted black, with an image of us on either side with the words 'Black Veil Brides' written on. The interior of the bus is just as amazing as the exterior; we stepped into the living space of the bus as we walked through the door, there were plush sofas attached to the wall in a corner suit, and a coffee table to put your stuff on. Walking through the other door, leading to the back of the bus, we entered a small corridor that had a bathroom on the side, and it led to the sleeping area. There were six bunks, and a space at the back to put our stuff. Okay, so living out of bags and stuff for two months isn't going to be the best, but what else can you expect when you're living on a bus with five other guys?

CC squealed in excitement; being the hyper guy he is I think this should be an interesting time. We all raced to pick our bunks and I managed to get the top bunk, across from Andy. Today would just be driving to our first show which will be held tomorrow, so I decided to decorate my sleeping space.

Searching through my bags I found all of my posters that I packed, and a block of blue-tack. Time to make this mine, I thought as I started to tack up my posters. Now, no one will take my bunk. I then grabbed my iPod, and finally, my little Hello Kitty doll, wearing a Batman top that Andy gave me for Christmas. I put the toy at the top of my bed, and tucked it in before joining the rest of the guys in the Living area. There was bedlam in the living area already, as everyone was shouting over to a CC that was out of my sight,

"Does it have to be right now, CC? We haven't even been here for ten minutes!" a rather red Andy called over to him, and now I see why all the guys are calling; CC had stripped down to his boxers and was running about the room. I honestly cannot see what CC gets out of doing that, but it's his thing so we all just let him do it. However, seeing as we haven't been in the bus for even ten minutes, it's a bit annoying. Andy turned to me, eyes practically begging for a saviour, and I have to force myself not to giggle; his blue eyes were so big it was crazy.

"Right, I'm going to sort my bunk out then, and leave CC to do his thing" Andy announced, walking past me and into the sleeping area. As he brushed past me my heart skipped a beat. Ugh, why does he have this effect on me? No one else can make me like this, no one else give me these butterfly feelings that spark up whenever he is near.

I sag back to my bed, putting in my earphones and searching through my music, trying to find some KISS, when a deep chuckle sounds beside me.

"You brought Hello Kitty Bat with you?" his bright blue eyes seemed even brighter than before, and my cheeks start burning red under his intense watch.

"Err... yeah. Well, I see you've brought your batman bracelet from me," now it was Andy who blushed,

"Well of course I did, it's Batman. How could I ever take it off?"

"Ah, well I am glad you like it then. And did you really think that I could possibly leave my dear little Hello Kitty Bat all the way home on her own for the whole tour?" I say with a little child's innocent voice, causing Andy to let out a giggle and grin from ear to ear.

"Oh god, not you as well, I just came in here because Jinxx is on the phone to Sammi and I can't stand their flirting!" moaned Jake; I could feel my cheeks heating up. We were really flirting?

"Shut up Jake, we weren't even flirting then," protested Andy.

"You two are always flirting though, and you so were then. Did you not see how you were looking at each other? Seriously, you too need to just get together or something, because it obvious you two love each other," Andy and I turned bright red and caught each other's eyes for a second before resting our eyes to the floor. "OH MY GOD YOU DO!"

"No. We don't. We are just friends." I spoke quietly, hoping the sadness within my voice wasn't detected. Could I really love Andy? I don't know. Jake was opening his mouth to speak again so I quickly found KISS' album Creature of the Night and blast it through my headphones blocking out whatever it was that Andy and Jake were saying; I don't want to hear it.

Someone got up onto my bed, scaring the crap out of me, but when I saw their bright blue eyes looking back at me my heart melted and I instantly paused my music. Damn, he looked so sweet and I wish I could tell him that whenever I wanted, but who was I kidding? I can't even be sure of my own sexuality; I have no right bringing other people's lives into it as well.

"Hey, ash, are you sure you're okay?" His deep voice brought back all the reasons why I can't stop thinking about him.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I lied, "I was just thinking, it's nothing to worry about,"

"Look, I am here for you if you ever need anyone to talk to. And just ignore Jake, because what you feel has nothing to do with him, nor does it have anything to do with me. In fact, it has nothing to do with anyone other than yourself, and you shouldn't let someone's offhand comment get to you. You should probably get some rest,"

"T-thank you," I stutter as tears breach the banks in my eyes and stream down my cheeks, "A-Andy, can you s-stay with m-me?" a small comforting smile flashes on his faces, even though concern and worry fills his eyes. He scoots up next to me on my bed, pulling me into a safe embrace, and I rest my head on his chest, snuggling up to his tall build.

"Hush, it's going to be okay," says his soothing, low voice, and somehow I just know that I am safe and nothing can hurt me if I'm with him.

The gentle sound of his heart beat beneath my ear, and his rhythmic strokes of my hair calmed me down, and soon I feel my eyelids growing heavy. I was tired from having no sleep last night, but soon the temporary state on unconsciousness pulls me under, leading me into a peaceful, and restful slumber.

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