I Cannot Hide What's On My Mind

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Hi my Batling Army, so I decided that this was going to be my last chapter... so, erm.. I hope you enjoy it and it is okay if not, please let me know. I've had a lot of stress going on through this, so this story has been a relief method for me, so sorry if it is crap, Also, please tel me if you want an epilogue or soemthing? 

Anyway... I hope you enjoy this final chapter, my Batling Army  

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Ashley's P.O.V:

The whole bus had finished getting ready, and I was back to my usual self taking the longest to do the smallest amount of make-up. I couldn't wait to be on stage because I feel at home there.  

"ASH, HURRY UP, WE NEED TO GET ON STAGE IN, LIKE, TEN MINUTES, DUDE!" CC yelled from the front of the bus, which was followed by a set of footsteps heading for the bathroom, which I am doing my make-up in.

A soft knock on the door was faintly audible, before Andy pushed the door slowly open and walked in. A cute, half smile found its way onto his face.  

"Babe, you're taking so long and you still have some of the lines on your body to do... you know what, you finish colouring in the ones on your face and I'll help," he says, dipping his slender fingers into the black make-up next to me. I turned to face the mirror and carried on filling in the last couple lines on my face as he gently grabs my waist from behind, dragging his blackened fingers across my skin. The marks he left may not have been the perfect ones I would have coloured in, but they were good enough for the time rush and even better because they were made by Andy. "Try not to get that into a habit every night, Ashy," grabbing hold of my hand, he kissed my cheek and walked me out of the bathroom.

The crowd was chanting out 'Black Veil Brides' and I got that Christmas morning feeling again that I always get right before every show. CC runs out onto the stage and was greeted by a roar of cheers which only increase as we all in turn ran on.  

"HOW ARE ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DOING OUT HERE IN MY FREAKING BIRTH TOWN!" Andy screamed into the microphone which was returned by a mix response.  

"WE THOUGHT WE GOT RID OF YOU ONCE, FAGGOT, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK?" called a dude from the crowd who Andy obviously recognise because he seemed slightly more wary to tackle him like he had with all the other hecklers.  

"Well, hello there; I see you are still acting the tough guy... I would have thought you would have dropped that motherfucking act after it failed to make you look like that cool and amazing guy in high-school. But if you hoped me moving to L.A. was the last you were to see of me, then you have another think coming BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE! I AM DOING WHAT THE FUCK I WANT IN THE WORLD, AND IF YOU WANT TO SCREAM ABUSE AT ME BECAUSE YOU FAILED TO DO WHAT YOU WANTED, WELL SO HAVE IT... I'M NOT YOUR BITCH AND YOU CANT HURT ME!" I found myself gripping my bass so tight my knuckles had turned white. "So, if you want to take away something from this, it's that you can now go home, knowing that I called you out and have your sweet fucking fantasies about me, knowing I still remember you... but for those who want a good time tonight, let's put that aside for a moment... and everyone here apart from that motherfucker from that back who wants a good time THIS IS HEAVEN'S CALLING!" I immediately start with the bass part, glancing over to Andy who smiles greatly at me.

For the whole set I play up for the girls; I may not be into girls but I can still act sexy, and that is something I like doing. I could see a couple girls filming me so I quickly stopped playing bass and posed for them for a few seconds, they screamed with massive smiles, and I went back to my bass, watching them, and putting on a bit of a show for them. Not just for those two girls, but for every girl there; I often say in interviews that I wouldn't have any reason to perform live if there were no girls out there, but that isn't strictly true. However, if there were no girls out, I would kiss Andy on stage which would cause issues.

We finished our set and were getting ready to go back stage and get a drink before meeting the BVB army.  

"To all you motherfucking people out there who are going through shitty times, I want you to know that you are not alone, and never will be. For as long as I live I will be here for every single motherfucking one of you and I want you to always believe in yourself because I know you will get through it and I promise you it will get better." Andy spoke, very clearly, and a smile was present on his face. Man, I love this dude. The second we got off stage, Andy ran at me, picking me up and spinning me around before kissing me lightly. I smiled as he put me down and went to get a drink, knowing it would be a few minutes before his voice was ready to speak; after a lot of singing his voice is bound to become raw. I sat down on a stool, waiting for Jon to tell us that we can go out to see the fans. I love them a lot, and every moment we get to spend interacting with them is one that brings us pure joy. A pair of strong arms wraps around me from behind, and Andy's soft, low voice whispering in my ear.  

"You needn't have gotten worried earlier, you know?" damn. He saw I was worried when that fucking twat had a go at Andy, "I'm fine, honey, I knew him from high school so it was pretty good finally getting to kick his ass" he kisses me quickly on the cheek as Jon walks into the room, telling us that we can go to the fans.  

"Jon, Front Poop check," Andy squealed, jumping up to see him. We all stifled a laugh because it was clear what Jon was about to say, 

"You need to pull your belts down, pretty badly," Andy flushed red, and CC patted him on the shoulder as he walked past muttering,  

"Every night Andy... Every night..." and we couldn't help but to laugh at it this time because it was true. Pretty much every night Andy has asked Jon to do a Front Poop check after the show he has been told to pull his belts down so no one could see.

I was stood on the end on the row, next to Andy, behind a table on which we sign loads of the stuff the kids bring to us. I could see kids handing Andy packs of candy, and batman related stuff, and I couldn't help but smile to see the joy it gives him. He was receiving an ever growing stash of fan letters, and so was I. Luckily, I love to sit alone and read the fan letters I have received at night because they remind me just why we are here and we need to get to know our fans on a personal level because that is one of the way that we are going to be able to help them. Andy smiled, next to me, and quickly squeezed my hand, thinking nobody saw, we carried on signing our autographs and talking to our fans. I got a lot of get well soon cards and messages, because even the fans realised I wasn't quite myself over the last few weeks, but we had told them that I just wasn't feeling well because the last thing I needed was for people to find out I was struggling. I gratefully accepted one, kissing the girl on the cheek. Even though I have already seen so many fans already, they still amaze me with how die-hard they are, and how much they care for us as individuals as well as just members in a rock 'n' roll band.

"Aw, fuck, my Batman's dead," Andy randomly cusses, before I realise that he has lost his Batman button badge which he always wears on his outfit. Instantly, I look for it, and find it on the floor under the table, so I crouch down to get it, not thinking about the way people may perceive this act as. I quickly grab the badge, and then hold his leg to help me up before leaning in and fastening the badge onto his jacket. His bright blue eyes gaze into mine and he quickly pecks me on the lips, a blush creeps across his cheeks when he finally breaks away. As far as we are aware of, none of the fans noticed this, and we were lucky that most of the fans had gone because it could have been a lot worse if everyone was still here. There were only about ten fans left, and they kept shooting Andy and I gleeful looks, which isn't all that unusual, however they appeared to be muttering something about 'Andley'. Shit. Please don't ask us about Andley.

I felt a pair of soft lips against my ear as Andy whispered,  

"Honey, are we going to tell them, because we might as well, and it would be a bit easier now there are only a few people left..." I turned to face my stunning boyfriend, my lips close to his as I whispered, 

"Why should we tell them, when we can show them?"

So we did.

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