Your Lips Have Buried Me

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Hi again, my Batling Army. I was kind of stuck as to what to write for this chapter, so I am sorry it is pretty crap:/ Please forgive me, but tell me what you would like to see to improve the story.  

Anyway.. on with the story... I hope you enjoy, my little Batling :3 

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Andy's P.O.V:

He kissed me.

Ashley Purdy kissed me.

I wasn't sure if it was real or not. I mean, he's straight, god damn it, so why did he kiss me? Could he like me? Could that have been what he meant when he said he didn't think it would have worked anymore with Kina anyway? No. You're just kidding yourself, Andy. He is just upset after that whore of a girlfriend cheated on him. I don't blame him for being mad with her... but still, why did he kiss me?

He didn't seem to realise what he did, but if he did, he wasn't shocked by it; instead he just blushed and pecked me on the nose before walking off to bed. I was left in the living room, thinking about what just happened. Was he aware that he was kissing me? No, of course not; he is drunk and upset about Kina; you saw the tears in his eyes, Andy, so stop setting yourself up to fall.

I went back to bed, looking over the lyrics to songs I had written since I was little to take my mind off Ashley. For so long I have longed to be in a band and use the lyrics, and who knows, maybe now I will be able to be; I could ask Ashley. No, stop it, Andy. You are thinking about him again. But before I could stop myself, I was walking to Ashley's room and knocking on his door,  

"Hey, Ashley, I was wondering, would it be possible if we could start a band, I mean, I know you have always wanted to be in a band, and so have I. Maybe we could think about starting one; you can do bass if you want." I stumbled, merging all the words into one with the speed I was talking at,  

"Huh? Oh, a band? Yeah I would love to be in a band with you, but you are singing."  

"Great! Thank you Ashley, but why do I have to sing?" 

"You are freaking amazing at singing, Andy! In the morning we'll think about finding people to be in the band, I think I know some people who would love to take the opportunity," He said with a smile.

I went back to my room feeling as if I was on a high, but also feeling calmer now I had spoken to Ashley and nothing happened; it must have been my imagination before. God, I need to stop fantasising! I took off my clothes, and slid back into bed; hopefully tonight will be peaceful, unlike last night.

The sun was just starting to rise when I open my eyes. Birds were waking up and chirping lightly in the early morning air. I had no idea what time it was, but figured it must have been around half past six because of the early morning sun. I hadn't been able to sleep very well because I kept seeing Ashley again. Damn his gorgeous body for appearing in my dreams!

My mind was buzzing from excitement, as my stomach held that 'Christmas morning' feeling that you used to get when you were a kid; I couldn't wait to start getting a band together, and who knows... we could even take over the world. I chuckle to myself with a mix of giddiness and glee as I jump up from my bed to take a shower - you have to grab your shower before Ashley does because he takes hours! The warm water flows over my pale, slim build as I run conditioner through my hair. As I washed I thought about the amount of people we would need to form a bad: 1 lead singer, 1 drummer, at least 1 bassist, and at least one, hopefully 2 rhythm guitarists. It could be tricky to get that many people, but Ashley said he knew of some, so maybe his connections will help us. I hope so anyway.

By the time I finished drying myself off and getting changed into my black skinny jeans and a KISS t-shit Ashley was starting to get up. I quickly apply some eyeliner and tease my hair out, before making my way to the kitchen for breakfast.  

"Hey, I have good news," announced a beaming Ashley from the sofa, "I couldn't sleep last night, so I spoke to some friends of mine, Jake and Jinxx, and they said they would be willing to be in our band; they are both amazing guitarist, honest. They are coming over in an hour to do some playing and stuff so we can see if we think they fit in what we want," 

"Wow, really? That's great, all we need to do is find a drummer then, and somewhere we can practice..."  

"Oh don't worry, we can practice at Jake's if you want, and finding a drummer shouldn't be that tricky," he replied reassuringly. A broad smile burst onto my face and I could have jumped for joy because of how ecstatic I was.

Ashley stood up to make breakfast, telling me to sit down and watch TV. I keenly took up his offer and turned on the TV to Batman - yeah, I really do love Batman a lot, and if I am going to watch something it may as well be Batman.

Time quickly passed by, in a wave of Batman and thought. Somehow, watching Batman made me think of Ashley's love for Hello Kitty and how cute he is, and how he will never love me the same way I love him.

There was a knock at the door, indicating the arrival of Jake and Jinxx. Ashley eagerly shot up to let them in, and they greeted us with beaming smiles.  

"Hi, Ash, we've brought our guitars, is that okay?" Jake asked, politely,  

"Hell yeah, come on in guys," Ash replied, happily stepping out of the way as they walked into the house. It took only a matter of minutes for them to set up, and soon they were shredding their guitars with a breath taking display of skill.  


I watched, wide eyed and open mouthed as they did a joint guitar solo, linking in with each other and adding a whole other level to rock and roll guitar.  

"Andy, are you okay?" The man called 'Jinxx' asked me with concern in his eyes.  

"Yeah, I'm fine; you two are amazing!" A wide grin spread across Jinxx' face as we spoke about the band and what we want from it.

We all settled on wanting a rock 'n' roll band that was larger than life; something that has been missing for a while. 

"Hey, you still need a drummer, right?" Jake asked, and we all nodded our response, "Well, I know this guy, Christian Mora, and he is amazing at drums! Seriously!"  

"Should we see him tomorrow, and work out what he's like?" I asked,  

"I have a video of him if you want, and we can call him later," we all nodded again at this suggestion, as Jake rummaged through his bag, pulling out and iPod. We watched as he flicked to a video he had taken when Chris was practicing a piece he had written for his friend's song.  

Not only was he good, but he had the showmanship as well, with all the tricks and flairs he incorporated into his piece. Jake's eyes shone when he saw Ashley and I transfixed to the screen in awe and longing of getting him into the band, 

"That settles it, I will ring him now then," he said, punching some numbers into his phone, and sure enough he was speaking to Christian who gratefully accepted our invitation into the band.

At nine the guys left, and I was shattered from all the excitement I had today. I had gotten a band together, filled with some extremely talented people, and we all wanted the same thing out of it. Finally, my dream had come true. The next step, though, is for our band to take over the world; not literally, but it would be nice if it did.  

"Hey, Andy, your lyrics are amazing, do you mind if we use them, Hun?" Ashley spoke into the thought filled silence, 

"Err... no, I don't mind it at all, but do you really think they are that good?" a blush crept onto my cheeks because he called me Hun. Wait, what? He called me Hun... what did he mean by that?

His words reverberated in my head all night, 'Do you mind if we use them, Hun?' Oh, how I longed for him to call me Hun every day and say that I am his. To hold me in his loving embrace and kiss my lips every night before I go to sleep.

Oh, how I love him.

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