The Lord of Pheonix Drop

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Garroth's POV
I did it I kissed her, but she is the to-be-Lord so we can't be together anyways. I hope she felt what I felt I really like her. The worst part is Levin looks so much like me and it makes me think about what we could be, but on a brighter note Levin is starting to speak. I-I can't do this I'll mess up this village. GOD DAMN WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME LADY IRENE WHY IS LIFE LIKE THIS! ZANE IS AFTER ME THE WHOLE OF O'KHASIS IS TRYING TO FIND ME, I KISSED THE TO BE LORD, I'M SUCH A BAD PERSON! "Hey Garroth, you look panicked, what's on your mind?" Says a cheery blushing Aphmau. "U-um O-oh N-nothing, J-just *deep breath* the village wants you to come here tonight we have a surprise for you!" I say blushing under my helm, boy am I glad I wear this. "Oh okay why not?" She says, "See you later I guess..." Then she walks off. Then of course Laurence comes over to me. "Hey Garroth my turn on duty" he says taking the ribbon ,we tie to our swords so we know who's on duty, "oh yeah of course I need some rest and to talk to Aphmau or future Lady Aphmau if you know the villages surprise tonight" I say winking of course he can't see that though. "Oh yeah of course, you go bro" he says smiling as he walks off. I then, being the clumsy Garroth I am, don't look where I'm going while walking to the guard tower of course bumping into Aphmau. "SO SO SORRY MISS APHMAU!" I say offering my hand to help her up, blushing slightly thankgod I wear my he- WAIT ITS NOT ON MY FACE GAH NOW IM BLUSHING MORE. "Thanks" she says grabbing my hand as I help her up. "I believe this is yours she says handing me my helm. "Thank you!!!" I say quickly putting it on before I blush profusely again.
Aphmau's POV
So I'm about to arrive at that 'surprise' thing and it's lit with fairy lights and everything then I see a massive stage with a chair that says "APHMAU SIT HERE!!!" So I do then I see lights lighting up a seating area where everyone is sat and I see Zoey come up on stage and read a little speech then she claps her hands and Laurence comes up and says "Hello Lady Aphmau," on one knee. Wait LADY Aphmau... IM NOW THE LORD OF PHOENIX DROP! "I will bring as much happiness to this village as I can" I say smiling as everyone applauds and I walk off the stage. Then Kawaii~Chan brings out a big cake and everyone gets a slice, it's a vanilla sponge cake with lilac icing yum. After that we all headed home, Garroth escorted me to my house and left for the guard tower, he's so sweet. I think of his eyes as I drift to sleep, don't worry Levin was at Emma's with Kyle the whole time and he's staying there tonight.

I won't say 'I love you' ~ A Garmau FF((COMPLETE))Where stories live. Discover now