Create a Character((NO LONGER RUNNING))

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Hi guys, while the tension is building up in this fanfic I wondered if you maybe wanted to create a character. I got this idea from the amazing @pinkcaker I love her fanfic XD.
You will need to add-
Magicks(Not needed):
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Favourite Food:
Backstory(Gives me more ideas for chapters):
Relatives(Not needed):
Pet(Also Not needed):
Crush(Can cause some DRAMA XD):

You can message and/or comment your characters and I will introduce the new character/s when they are made so GOODLUCK! I'm trying to get a chapter up for tonight or tomorrow so take your time creating them!

~ all the characters now I'll try to add to the sequel when I start work on it~Phanicorn X
Read the title please if it says no longer running please stop suggesting I don't mean to sound like a bitch but I have so many suggestions I can't take anymore sorry! Maybe you can add your own characters to a story of your own! ~ Phanicorn

I won't say 'I love you' ~ A Garmau FF((COMPLETE))Where stories live. Discover now