My Girl

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I sit in my room and stare at my screen.
I look at the girl who will never be with me.
I sit a while and sigh alot because I know I'll be forgotten.
I log onto Ask and go on anon.
I tell my girl how I admire her so.
But that it is me she will never know.
This is the point where I have to her let go.
We are just friends, I know that now.
But sometimes I thought we could be more some how.
But now I have realized what I really want.
I want the thing I have never ever got.
And it's not just this girl I want so bad.
I want a girl who wants to be with me.
I want a girl that I could also please.
A girl I could love with all of my heart.
And hopefully neither of us will end up hurt.
I like guys too but that's not what I want.
Maybe someday but not for a while.
I want a girl who I can treat right.
I want a girl who will be by my side.
I want a girlfriend who I can love for life.

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