Another random thingy (((:

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IF THE CHARACTERS WERE IN SCHOOL (12th grade- early college)

Mallory- student
Savannah- student
Alaina- student
Alyssa- student
Shyanne- student
Ciel- student

Sebastian- English & Band teacher
Claude (ew)- Science teacher
Grell- math teacher
Undertaker- History teacher



"So today we're going to learn about spider reproduction."

I'm a pervert lolz I like being mean


Dis bitch, teaching about some nasty ass spiders. Like no, Claude- excuse me, Mr. Faustus. Motherfucker gon' make me call him that. Nah. I hate you. Go back to hell.


*drawing & smiling*


I really like Mr. Faustus' glasses. They're cool af.


What's going on lmao


I am so lost what is he talking about why are those spiders doing that


This idiot tried to steal my soul why am I actually doing my work



"I'll pay you if you spy on my sweet Bassy *fangirls* for me I don't even know why I'm here what is math how do I do that."


Hoe tryna steal my bae no boo


*still drawing*


*reading fanfic*


"What is a conditional?"

"What you put in your hair to make it soft and sleek


I'm hungry ugh I bet my mom packed healthy food for me


I hate everyone

*BAND* lmao yo


"Okay everyone, play your concert B scale, 5, 4, 3, 2..."


*everyone else except Savannah who is now in the office is playing*


Wait what note is this how do I play G on a violin


*making copies of music*


*stares at her flute*


Trumpet is love, trumpet is life


I think Sebastian is gonna stab somebody what do I do


"Now, turn to Welcome To The Black Parade. 5, 6,- EVERYONE STOP TALKING AND PAY ATTENTION!"

We Stitch These Wounds (A Black Butler *Sebastian* FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now