Chapter 1: Keep a Look Out

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I'm gonna post pictures of the characters as they pass by the story. I'm not that great at describing a persons appearance so I rather just show it to you guys!


I'm watching Oscar's back, while he's looking out to see if any Zombies are around. He's a few meters in front of me and I'm over here, holding on to my sword, ready for anything. He turns around to look at me and gives me the signal to move forward. I nod and go, with 7 other people behind me, (including me and Oscar, thats 9) following him as quietly as possible. At the other side of the street behind cars, are the rest of our group, they'll go after we pass. It's almost getting dark and we need a new place to stay. We're trying to see if we can go in this 2 story, very large, house. There's even a fence around the whole house and a balcony. I guess you can say that this use to be a "fancy" house.

"Keep a look out," I whisper to Jenna, who's the closest to me. She nods.

Oscar opens the door to the house all the way and we see about 7 to 12 Zombies in there, walking around all retarded. We start going at them. Me with my swords and everyone with there hand weapon. We're not using guns right now, so that we won't cause any more noise for more Zombies to hear.

In no time, there all down, but some start coming down from up stairs. We move a little more forward, killing anything that's in our way. With the other 10 from the rest of our group, coming in after us. We split, some of us go to the kitchen, others to the restrooms, and some checking upstairs. We start heading up stairs after we've finished those that were coming. Damn, this is a Big House. After we've cleared the whole house we started dragging the corpse out of the house. When we finish, we all fall to the couch and floor, exhausted. It's been a really long day.

After a while, we all get up and start look around the whole house, checking to see if there's any food or supplies here. We only have 2 backpacks of caned food and supplies but that will only last for a good week. We don't find much in this house, though. Except for some batteries, knives, first aid kits, and 3 cans of peaches. Clearly, this still isn't enough for all 19 of us.


Across the room, I see Rachel get off of Ozzy's lap. He stands up from the chair after she gets off. Rachel is Ozzy's girlfriend. And Ozzy is my brother. Ozzy's a few inches taller than me and is the type of guy that likes to look for trouble, but still calls himself the good guy. Rachel's my height, can be very quiet, and is one of the new ones from our group. Ozzy wraps his arms around her waist and gives her a quick kiss. I find it cute, he has finally found someone that makes him happy and now shows a different side of him I have never seen my whole life. Ozzy tells her something in her ear and she giggles, then he lets her go. He walks next to the couch I'm sitting on, bends down and digs through his big bag of guns thats on the floor. He picks his favorite gun, a Winchester rifle. I smirk.

I'm sitting on the couch, leaning on Ale. "What are you doing?" I ask Ozzy, I raise an eyebrow at him, curiously.

"I want to go to that Super Market I saw when we were heading over here. We need more supplies," he answers back. "You wanna come?" He stands up and looks at me.

"Isn't it a little too late?" I point out, smirking. "It's dark out there."

"Andie, don't be a pussy," he smirks, shaking his head in disapproval at me as he crouches back down again and continues to dig in his bag. I narrow my eyes at him. "You can handle a little darkness with Zombies around, can't you?" He pushes on, while pulling out a gun and checking if its loaded. Ale chuckles.

I'm still a little afraid of the dark, but he doesn't need to know. "Nah, I just want to be safe," it isn't a complete lie.

"Then are you coming, or not?" He stands, looking at me lazily.

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