Chapter 1 - Harry's First Day

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Hello, and welcome to my story! I hope that you enjoy your stay and continue to read on!

***Note: If you have not yet read the warnings in the table of contents, please go back and do so. It's nothing serious or controversial, I just want you all to know some certain things about this story.


(Harry’s POV)(August 29th)

“But I don’t wanna go to school,” I complained.

“Harry, I promise, kindergarten will be fun,” my mommy said, trying to calm me down.

“But I won’t get to see you if I go.”

“You’ll meet new friends here. Friends your own age.” She stopped us outside of a door and bent down to my level. “I’ll be right here when school ends. Then we can go home and get some ice cream. Does that sound like fun?”

“Yes!” I cheered, jumping up and down.

“Yay!” my mommy cheered with me. She stood back up, took my hand, and opened the door. I jumped a little at the sight of all of the boys and girls running around. My mommy led me into the room and up to a very old woman.

“Hello, little boy!” the old lady said to me, bending down. “My name is Mrs. Allan. What’s yours?”

“Harry,” I murmured.

“What a precious little name! So you’re going to be a part of my class for the rest of the year, right, Harry?”


“Wonderful! I’m sure that we’ll get along great! Why don’t you go and play with the other children while I talk to your mother?”

“Are you going to be okay, Harry?” my mommy asked. I nodded at her and she kissed my forehead before continuing her talk with Mrs. Allan. I walked away from them and surveyed the room. No one was looking at me; they all were just playing. Everyone except for a little brunette boy that was sitting alone at one of the circular tables. I walked over and slid into the chair next to him.

He looked up at me shyly, but didn’t say anything.

“Hi, I’m Harry,” I greeted, smiling at him.

“I’m Niall,” he replied.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing. None of the kids are talking to me, so I’m sitting here by myself.”

“That’s not nice.” I set my lunch box on top of the table and opened it. I pulled out a bag of animal crackers and set them down. “Want one?”

Niall nodded and took one. He studied it and said, “It looks like Winnie the Pooh.”  A grin spread across his face.

“Yeah, they’re Pooh-themed. So how old are you, Niall?”

“I’m four, but I turn five in two weeks!” He held up two fingers to emphasize his point, biting off Piglet’s head at the same time.

I pouted. “I don’t turn five until February.”

“I’m older,” Niall teased, sticking out his tongue at me.

“Alright, class, settle down!” Mrs. Allan said from the front of the classroom. Niall and I gave her our attention, as did the rest of the class. “I’m very glad to have all of you here, and I’m sure that we’ll all get along fabulously. But first we need to organize ourselves and lay down a few rules.”

Mrs. Allan walked around and seated people at different tables, and there were five people to a table. Luckily, Niall and I got to stay where we were sitting. Mrs. Allan had seated a boy in a birthday hat, a boy with brown hair, and a boy with tan skin at our table. Then she passed out two pieces of paper to everyone. They both had Velcro on them, so one slip was used to mark our places at our tables, and the other was used for our assigned cubbies.

Once all of that was over with, she gave us free time to talk to our table mates.

“Is today your birthday?” I asked the boy in the hat.

He nodded his hand and held up five fingers. “Turned five today. Name’s Liam.”

“I’m Harry. What are your names?” I asked the other two.

“Louis Tomlinson.”

“My name’s Zayn.”

“Animal crackers?” I pushed the bag into the center of the table. It was the only thing I’d left out of my cubby, since it seemed to help me make friends.

“Ooh, Winnie the Pooh!” Liam squealed, putting two into his mouth at once.

“Yes, Liam, they’re Winnie the Pooh-shaped,” Louis said, rolling his eyes, and Liam playfully jabbed him in the arm. I guessed that they were already friends. And since Niall and I were already friends, that meant that Zayn was left out.

“Take one,” I offered, personally handing him a Tigger cracker. He took it from me, mumbling “Thanks” under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and everyone’s eyes turned to Zayn, whose cheeks went red.

“Nothing! I’m just nervous…”

“Why?” Louis chimed in.

“Well, I don’t have any friends here. I don’t think anyone likes me.” Zayn pouted. Tears were pooling in his eyes.

“We like you,” Liam said, reaching across the table to grab Zayn’s hand.

“Yeah, we like you,” Louis added as he draped his arm across Zayn’s shoulders.

“We can be friends,” I said. Looking around at everyone at our table, I said, “We can all be friends.”

“Are you boys being friendly?” Mrs. Allan asked, appearing out of nowhere.

“Yup!” Niall piped up. “We’re all friends; of course we’re being friendly. That’s what it means!”

Mrs. Allan chuckled at Niall’s comment and went to check on the rest of the students. Louis, Zayn, Liam, and I all looked at Niall.

“What?” he said. “That’s what it means!”


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