Chapter 3 - Flowers are Messy

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And here we are, one Saturday later! Once again, my updates will get more frequent during the summer when I start being a potato all day, but I'm currently struggling to retain my straight A average and just don't have time yet. But I'm truly sorry that you all have to wait a week for 750 words. I hope that you enjoy it, though!


(Louis’s POV)(September 13th)

“Happy Birthday, Niall!” I yelled as I ran inside his house.

“Thanks, Lou!” Niall yelled back, running towards me. He had a pointy party hat sitting on top of his head.

“Mommy, give him our present!” I instructed my mother.

“Louis, it’s not time for presents, yet,” she told me. “I’ll give it to Mrs. Horan and Niall can open it later.”

Niall and I started whining, but she just patted my head and walked the present into the kitchen.

“Well, come on.” Niall started tugging my arm. “Everyone’s in the backyard. We got a bouncing house!”

Niall and I ran to the backyard. Our entire class was back there, running around, playing tag, eating cake, and jumping in the bouncy castle. Liam, Harry, and Zayn ran up to us, all three of them donning birthday hats. Zayn handed me one, which I immediately stuck on my head.

“Niall, when do you get to open your presents?” Harry prodded, shaking Niall’s arm.

“I dunno. My mommy says that it’s not time.”

“So does mine,” I added.

“Are they mad at you?” Liam asked, his eyes filling with worry.

Niall shrugged. “I don’t think so. If they were mad then there probably wouldn’t be a party.”

“Maybe she’s sad,” Zayn suggested.

“You think so?” I asked.

“Maybe if we cheer them up, they’ll let Niall open his presents,” Harry said.

“Let’s try it!” Niall said. “We can try giving them flowers. There’s a bunch of them growing back here.” Niall pointed. “They’re over there.”

“What are we waiting for?” I asked and started walking that way. I was stopped when I heard someone shout “Ouch!” behind me. “What was that?” I asked as I turned around.

Harry was helping a little girl up. I recognized her. Her name was Allison. She was a black girl and her hair was always in puffy pigtails. She’s very quiet and shy. We don’t really talk to her, but Niall had to invite the entire class.

“Sorry for knocking you down,” Harry said, helping her brush herself off. A large green stain was clearly visible on her white cardigan.

“S’okay,” she said, so quietly that I barely caught it.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded frantically, and even through her dark skin it was obvious that she was blushing. She quickly walked away from us and out of sight.

“Girls are weird,” Niall said, walking ahead of me. We continued toward the section that Niall had pointed to and discovered that he was right. Different kinds of flowers were everywhere.

“Jackpot!” I exclaimed before ripping a yellow one from the ground. The boys and I set to work pulling the flowers from the ground.

“Hey, why are there flowers out here when it’s getting cold?” Liam asked.

“My mommy brings them inside in November. She said that if she didn’t that Jack Frost would get her babies,” Niall replied. “So she should be happy that we’re doing it for her!”

I continued pulling out flowers, until something hit my back. I looked down and found a dirt spot. When I looked back up, I saw Niall digging. He was tossing the dirt behind him, and it was hitting me.

“Hey!” I said, throwing some dirt back at him.

“What was that for?!” Niall cried, throwing more at me. I moved to the side just in time, and the dirt chunk him Zayn instead.

“Don’t throw dirt at me!” Zayn complained, throwing some back. Pretty soon, the five of us had forgotten the flowers and were in an all-out dirt war.

A scream cut our war short. Niall’s mom was standing there, her mouth wide open. She was the one who’d screamed.

Looking around, I noticed that the other four were extremely dirty, so I must’ve been a mess too. Flowers were strewn across the ground, broken and dead.

“Oops,” Liam whispered.

And that’s how we all ended up sitting by the fence, watching all of the other kids play.

“That didn’t work,” Zayn stated.

“Really, Zayn? It didn’t?” I replied. Then I started giggling. “We’re a mess!”

Harry started laughing, too. He pointed to me. “You’re the messiest!”

“No, I’m the messiest!” Niall said through a fit of giggles. And then we were all laughing. The other kids stared at us, probably wondering why we were laughing when we were in trouble. But it was way too funny, so we kept on laughing.

“Maybe we should just wait next time,” Liam suggested as he tried to contain himself.

The rest of us chorused, “Agreed!”


What did you think? I wanted to mix two ideas (Niall's birthday and the messy flowers). I can't write pure birthday fluff, since it would all be the same. So I might do one or two other birthdays, but that's it.

And what do you all think about Allison? I know that she just got a little cameo, but I'm working her in, and I'll do it with more people later on. The story is told in a series of oneshots, but all of the characters introduced will stick around.

So, whatever you thought, let me know! Vote, comment, and fan, and I'll see you next Saturday! ♥

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