the rules of texting

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when I walk up to axel after seeing rose im still a little dazed. he looks at me anxious for me to tell him everything that happened.

"dude, wtf happened" he says rushing me out of my day dream of rose.

"stuff" I sarcastically looking down and the short little son of a b*tch I call my best friend. he looks like he's about to punch me "no f'ing sh*t Sherlock" he says back with as much sarcasm as I used.

I told him about it all and at most parts he looked at least half interested but when I started getting all dreamy he started to look annoying again. I finished the story with one of those exaggerated happy sighs and dreamy eyed gaze to the ceiling as I thought about her.

all he did was turn on his heels and walk off. "done with my sh*t?" I yelled after him through the crowd of kids in the busy hall way. "yep" I hear him yell back and I just sigh and walk to my jep and drive home.


"where did you go babe?" Luke  when I get to his car. he had been waiting on me. "I forgot some stuff in my locker" I said simply. lying was a born skill for me. I could speak it as if it was the best true story any one could ever tell. I had the bored look to confirm that I was in no way worried he wouldn't believe me so he just did a little head nod and opened the car door for me.   

when I got home I did my homework quickly with minor distractions from Luke texting me his cute sh*t.

'I love you babe'

'love you more'

'love you most'

'love you mostest'

'and there goes the grammar'


I actually didn't love him. I could even lie on a text with no guilt.

as I finished my math I laid back on the bed and my phone vibrated again. I groaned as I sat up to grab it and then plop back down.

'hey, its ace'

that grabbed my attention.

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