If i had known

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It had been a week since Our date night. at school I met axel in the hall ways normally. Since he was good friends with ace I talked to him a lot more. We texted. We became really good friends. "Rose!" Axel screamed. He looked worried and frantic. "What is it?" I said chuckling at the slightly taller boy. "I found Britts diary. I know her crush" he blurted quietly.

My heart stared beating fast.

Ace had been hanging out with Britt a lot more lately. Always with her at school and she'd constantly be at his house. When me and ace texted he always said he had to go hold Britt because she was crying again. I thought it was kinda rude cause she was tearing my boyfriend away from me. I've hardly talked to him all week and I was getting depressed because of it. I cut again last night.

"Who??" I said looking up into his brown eyes.
"Its......God I don't wanna say it" he said looking down. At that moment I knew. Who else could it be. My heart beat out of my chest. "Ace" I said softly. Ax nodded. I felt light headed. My heart physically hurt. I held back tears.
"Please don't cut because of this" ax said really softly. I told him too. I nodded and he softly smiled. The bell rang. "I'll text you later" he said hugging me quickly before heading to class.

I felt numb all day. When ace walked by with Britt I could see it in her eyes. How she looked at him. She hid it just enough for my oblivious boyfriend not to notice. I went home and fell on my bed crying. She was gonna take him. She'd known him longer. She meant more to him. I cried and whimpered until my mom knocked on my door. I locked my door before so I didn't care to clean my tears. "what" I tried to call in a steady voice. "Dinner is ready" she said. "I'm not hungry" I lied. "Okay" she said walking off. I stopped eating from then. At school I wouldn't eat. I wouldn't eat dinner. No one noticed I didn't eat. Lana had been hanging out with axel more. So we only texted really.

I walked into drama class. Sitting a few seats away from ace and Britt who sat side by side. Ace didn't even notice me. Our drama teacher told us it was improv day and asked for volunteers. When no one offered he picked two kids. Two guys. Gave them a plot and they did well. They had to pretend to be in a sword fight and it was kinda awesome. He picked a few more people, which thankfully didn't involve me. Then he picked ace and Britt. I felt like Crying already before they even started. "In this scene the girl is professing her love to the boy who she loves though he's engaged to one of the royal family" the teacher said. My heart seemed to stop while the class giggled softly. They looked shocked. Ace stood dumb struck. Britt blushed very softly. They started. "I must tell you something" Britt started nervously looking at her feet and swaying with her hands behind her back. "What is it" ace said and swallowed. He wasn't performing as well as he stood limp looking into Britts eyes. She went on describing things about him that she loved. Finishing with her admitting that she loved him. Ace started acting more. Pulling her closer and speaking soft sweet words to her. The acting was gone to me. It was only them. Them torturing me. Ace pulled her in and she kissed him. Half on his lips. Just a peck but a kiss. Aces eyes opened wide as she stepped away. The class the teacher clapped. My heart beat too fast to be heathy. I was frozen looking at the two smiling. My stomach twisted in knots. I couldn't even describe the pain burning in my chest and stomach and everywhere went cold. I didn't wanna believe it. But I saw it.

I went home. Cut large stripes on my wrist. Cried. Cut my legs. Cried some more. That was the night I confessed that i stopped eating to axel. He got upset and convinced me to eat something the next day but I hid my cuts from him. Ace tried texting me that night but I ignored him. Ace came up to me the next day at school. "Hey princess" he said pecking my cheek. I ignored him. "You aren't really upset about yesterday are you? It was acting!" He said smiling. I slammed my locker and walked away. I couldn't do this right now. He didn't talk to me for three days. One night I was sitting in my room doing home work when I heard a tap on my window. It was ace. I let him in. He didn't say anything. He just pushed me into a wall kissing me. I didn't want to kiss him back but my heart took over and I did. When he finally pulled away he said "it was an act. I miss you. I can't stand not talking to you. I love you and only you I swear. I'm never gonna leave you" I smiled just a little and he kissed me again. We kissed and cuddled and slept together all night. It made me feel a little better that he was making up for it.

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