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Thinking of things to say
Wish I can wipe the memories away
Wondering why I stayed
The pain wont go away
Letting Christ see me through
NO worries is what he can do
The pain doesnt exist anymore
Once he helped me close the door
So many cant understand
In my life He is The Man
That I look up to everyday
Wanting to be like Him in so many ways
The darkness will never consume me
Because His light shines all through me
And oh it is heavenly sweet, something no one can beat
Went through so much sorrow
For someone who would only follow
He had to show me the truth
That only His love can pull me through
Was so lost in the past
Christ showed me it wouldnt last
I put all my faith in Him
And he filled me up to the brim
Thanking Christ for all His blessings
Even the ones I couldnt see before
Knowing He is my savior
I'll love Him forever more
~QueenLeah The Poet

The Mind of a Queen: Open Love LetterWhere stories live. Discover now