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A/N This is requested by Superwholock0799. Thank you for the request! Enjoy!

You are already dress in your academy uniform, have your H/C hair down, you grab your medical books & your P.A.D.D. Right before you walk out of your academy room, you glance at yourself in the small mirror you have hanging up on the wall.

You have Y/C/E eyes, but your right one is mostly hidden by a part of your bangs that goes over it. With your face, you never liked make-up on it, you thought it looked to bright for a shy girl like yourself. You've never been this shy before, when you were in school you were bullied & made fun of because of your divorced parents.

Since then, you've been shy around people because you were afraid if you spoke up to people, they would make fun of you in some way. Except for your best friend, who is also your roommate. She has always been at your side & she is the only one you weren't shy or afraid around.

You walked over & just about when you opened the door F/N walked in with a bunch of paper work & books on engineering. "Ugh, I have a lot to do before my next class Y/N." she tells you as she dumps everything on the table. She was studying engineering because she loves to fix anything that needs fixing, & she's great at it.

"I can see that you do, Y/F/N." you say to her as she sits down & begins to go to work. "I'll see you later on today then at lunch, I'm off to my medical class, bye!" you tell her as you walk out of the room to the hallway.

Before you shut the door behind you, you hear her mumble either "okay, bye." or "hoay, eye." You shook your head & smiled as you closed the door. You walked down the hallways looking at your P.A.D.D to see where your next medical class was.

The reason you wanted to work it medical was because you found it wonderful that with the right medicine & tools you can save a person life. You got to your class & sat down in the front row of the room. Got everything that you needed & the class begin.

After awhile later, the class was done & it was time for lunch. You gathered your things, & started to walk out of the doorway. You got thru the door, & walked out in the busy hall towards the mess hall.

It was busier in the mess hall then in the hall, almost all the tables were taken, except the one F/N was at. You got your food & shyly said "Thank you." to the man with orange hair that handed you a tray. You walked over to F/N & sat down across from her. 

"How did all that paper work go?" you ask her as you sipped from your water bottle. She smiled as she told you about it. "What about you? How was class?" she ask you in return. You told her about what you learned in class as she ate her sandwich. She & you started to talk about  which star ship the students would be assigned to that took place today after lunch.

You both talked some more, cleaned up the trash right before the bell rang for lunch to be over. Then there was another bell for the announcement for the assigning in the the main room. After everybody was in there they begin.


"F/N F/L/N Enterprise,George Lane Farragut, & Y/N Y/L/N Enterprise." After they announced all of them, the people soon were out of the room, & on the way to the take off room where all the shuttle craft are. You & F/N walked with the others until you got to the Gillia, "Names?" the man in uniform asked the both of you. "F/N F/L/N." your friend told him. You looked down at the floor & shyly said to him, "Y/N Y/L/N." After he made sure you both were aboard the Enterprise, he let you get in the Gillia.

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