Star Trek Prank War: Kirk

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The only reason you targeted Kirk was because he thought it would be funny to mess with your video by making a comment chain of you & Scotty. It wouldn't have bugged you as much if he didn't create a ship name & people started to make, ahem, fan fiction.

Long story short, you thought that you would involve the rest of the crew in your idea. That's why you had everyone meet in rec room 42. Strange enough, Pavel nor Hikaru has gotten you back.

You simply thought that they decided the fan fiction was enough or something. Or was it? Well, it was sure as hard trying to get everyone in the same room with you.

It took many tries of telling them that you wanted them to help you with a prank, not be the pranked. Finally, after begging & swearing on your Doctor who scarf, you got them all.

But now back to your little meeting you had. "Why am I here again?" you heard Bones ask out loud as you entered in the room. "You're here because I need all of you for my plan." you told him as you looked around the room.

Uhura was sitting next to Spock, Bones was looking grumpy as usual as he scooted farther away from Scotty next to him, probably still disturbed of what happened a few days ago, & Chekov was next to Sulu as they both turned to look at you.

"Vat plan do you have now Y/N?" Chekov asked you with a suspicious look in his eyes. You turn your head towards him as you stand among the group with an grin.

"Today is now 'Blame Kirk Day'," you pause as you look around to see slightly confused faces. Sighing, you continue. "All you have to do is blame Jim whenever something wrong happens to you that makes you so mad you just want to curse out-" you try to find the right words.

"D*MMIT JIM!" Bones muttered pretty loud unexpectedly. "Yes! That!" you exclaim with glee as you point to him. "Oh, sorry. I just got a stupid picture of him that he was suppose to send to a 'girlfriend' " Bones told you as he made quotation marks in the air when he mentioned girlfriend.

Your face twisted up into something that could only be described as why-would-he-mix-you-up-never-mind-I-don't-want-to-know. 'Wow, that's a lot to read' you thought.

"Well, anywho, just do that! Any questions?" you ask as you saw Spock give you a sort of stink eye. "And why would we participate in order to do this to the Captain who is above us all in rank?"

You rolled your eyes. "Rank stank. It's his own fault when he started the whole shipping thing with me & Scotty & the questionable fan fiction. No offense Scotty." you told him winking.

"None taken lassie." Scotty said with a warm smile with quickly turned into an evil one with the next sentence. "I don't know 'bout the rest of ye, but I'm game."

Bones shrugs. "Eh, why not? Now I have another reason to curse at that idiot." Chekov & Sulu were the next ones to agree with you, & of course Uhura. But Spock was another story.

"I do not wish to become a part of this 'prank war' as you call it Y/L/N." Spock told you while crossing his legs & looking the other way. Uhura pouted along with you as you tried to get Spock to change his mind.

"Come on Spoooock. Don't be a hobgoblin turd you are right now." Spock turned to look at you with a disapproving face. "Insulting me won't help you in this situation Y/L/N."

"Bump you." you grumbled under your breath as Spock got up from his seat & left with Uhura following him. Maybe she'll be able to change his mind. "He's probably going on the list now." you heard Bones chuckle.

"Yeah, but after you according to the writer." you say without thinking. "Anywho! Everything is all good, so let's getting a blaming!"

( Minutes Later )

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