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You had been on an away mission with most of the entire crew, & there had been more than a few surprises... The enemy used unknown weapons & had hundreds of underlings to distract everyone. What had the doctor called it...? You shifted on the uncomfortable gurney. It didn't matter what it was called... Broken bones, scrapes, bruises, damaged lungs, kidneys, heart, & a poison that couldn't be filtered out of your blood by dialysis... You were literally a dead woman... 

"You have to help her!" Hikaru growled, allowing you to focus your morphine addled mind. "I've done all I've can." Doctor McCoy replied. Where were they...? Your eyes lazily scanned the pristinely white room. 

The machines to your left were keeping you alive, florescent lights & reflective surfaces made it hard to see, but all you had to do was listen for the sound of arguing. You laughed softly. They were huddled in the furthest corner from you, Hikaru was pacing rapidly, trying to calm his nerves, but you could tell it wasn't working.

"Sulu, even if he could heal her kidneys, Bones that she cannot filter the poison out of her system..." Scotty said soft & quiet... "There is nothing that you can-," "You have no right to decide on her treatment!" Hikaru turned & screamed at him . You sighed,

"Hikaru..." you could barely even recognize your own voice, it was hoarse, sore & even that one word caused you mind and body to fatigue. You literally blinked & he was by your side.

"Y/N..." Hikaru said as he gently moved a few stray Y/H/C hairs from your eyes. You slowly reached up & held your hand on his. Your skin was colder than his was... definitely an odd sensation... Your Y/C/E eyes flickered to the rest of the group, "Could you leave him with me for a while...?" you asked with a smile. The only thing you received from McCoy, Scotty & Kirk were pity filled looks & slow nods. 

Once they were gone you slowly slid over on the bed & pulled Hikaru beside you. He was a little reluctant at first, but after a little while of nagging you had him beside you & holding you close. Your fingers ran over his warm skin, enjoying the pleasant tingle that ran through your body. Though, that 'pleasant tingle' could have been from the drugs you were on...  Hikaru's hand moved under your chin to tilt your head upwards, allowing him to press his lips to your own.

Soft, sweet & slow... "D*mn..." you replied with a grin. You would have been happy to just lie there, but you couldn't... You didn't want to bring it up, but you knew that you wouldn't have another chance to make everything right. 

"Hikaru... you need to forgive him..." you said slowly. "Not a chance. Not after what Khan did." There was hatred in his eyes that even you would have issues settling... You leaned into him more,

"Hikaru-," "How can you defend him? Why don't you hate him for what he did to you?!" You shushed Hikaru softly with a weak smile, "Why would I want my last moments to be filled with hatred or discontent...?" Hikaru ran his hand over your cheek while shaking his head.

"I cannot forgive him." He said, barely above a whisper. Through your half lidded eyes, you could just make out his lip trembling & eyes watering. You closed your eyes & rested your head on his shoulder, "But I can..." your voice was hoarse & you could feel your grip on consciousness slowly begin to slip away. "Hikaru..." you barely managed to open your eyes, but you could clearly see the steady stream running down his cheeks. "Don't give in to revenge." Slowly you reached up and tangled your fingers in his hair.

"Don't let it slip away..." "You are the only reason I've put up with him for so long... Even if he hadn't caused this, if you were gone," a choked sob left his throat, "we would go back to how we were..." Your hand slipped to his neck & you pulled him down into another kiss.

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