Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sidney's P.O.V


I grunted and pulled the covers from over my face.

"COMING, DADDY!" responded.

I rushed down the stairs only to see my dad rushing out of the door.

"Bye dad!" I called out before he ran to his car. I went to the kitchen to grab my keys to my pink sports car that Fredo bought me.

"Hey Fredo." I greeted.

"Hey Sid. Let me ask you something."


"How would you like it, if you and Amber come on tour with Justin Bieber-"

"YES! YES! YES! YES!" I responed. Than I jumped on Fredo and kissed his cheeks numerous times.

"But you are going to be homeschooled, just to let you know."


"Maybe because you're only 17."

"Fine whatever. Thanks so much."

"Mhm.Well I go to go. Love you"

"Love you to."

Okay I know what your all are thinking. Who is Amber, and Jay. Amber is my bestfriend,more like my sister, and Jay is... Justin Bieber. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I love pop music,spaghetti, Ariana Grande, my favorite color is purple, and my brother is somewhat of Justin's Biebers video man (and somewhat bestfriend). Sometimes Fredo, my brother, goes on tours with Justin, but other days... he's home with me. When I am at school, he basically does whatever he wants. Maybe he will FaceTime his girlfriend or our mom since she is most likely on a buisness trip.

I checked the time and ran upstairs to get dressed for school. Once I came back downstairs, I grabbed an apple and unlocked my car. Then headed off to school.


Getting out of my car, I was attacked by my bestfriend, Amber.

"Hey girl." Amber greeted,

"Hey! I have some good news!" I exclaimed.

"EEK! I love your good news!" She announced.

"Do you want to come on tour with my brother and I?"

"Depends on the person." Amber said, rubbing her chin.

"Justin Bi-"


"But I thought that you didn't like him." I said.

"I don't, but hes hot." We began walking and making small talk

"Well you know that we are going to be homeschooled, right?" I stated.

"But why?!" Amber whined, dragging out the 'y'.

"Look. Do you want to go on this tour?"


"Now just go with the flow. Come on we're going to be late." I said, shutting my locker.

The two of us walked to our classroom to see Mr. Walker. The hottest teacher this school has ever seen.

"Goodmorning class." He said in his deep, handsome voice. Everyone said goodmorning back, but the girls more flirty. Mr. Walker than began talking about one of the most interesting times in history, The Great Deppression. Since I've lerned and mastered this time in history, I took my phone out of my hoodie pockets and began listening to music. Irronically, Justin Bieber's song came on 'All that matters'.

I hummed quietly and waited for the bell to ring. When it finally did, I ran out of the classroom, and into my next period. We only have 7 minutes to get to each class, and my next class is way across campess. So I get to drive over there. Amber was already at my car, so i unlocked it and we sat down.

"Hey Sid, I was thinking. This is going to be a really good thing for the both of us. Since we never get to travel anywhere, let's make this trip memorable." After thinking about what she had said, Amber was right. We never do get to travel anywhere.

"Most deff! This is why you're my best friend." I said.

"Aw! Don't get too emotional." Amber stated, while laughing. I parked my car and we both got out.

"See you later!" She called out.

I waved and got to my next class, math. Lord help me.

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