Chapter 6

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2 months later

Justin's P.O.V

I got out of bed and took a shower. Today was going to be epic! You know why? I am going to ask if Sidney will be my girlfriend! I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I put on my black supra's, red snapback, black v-neck, and black jeans. I also grabbed the keys to my Black Range-Rover that Usher got me for my 16th birthday. I finished my apple and put it in the trash can.

Phone convo w/ Sidney:

"Hey Justin." She greeted happily.

"Hey bae- Sidney." Bae? I said to myself.

"You should come over." She suggested

"Well I'm on my way to your house so-"

I wasn't looking, but a car was on the wrong side of the street, and it through my car and I in a ditch. My car won't stop spinning and now I'm getting dizzy. The car stopped finally but it wasn't over. My car went downwards and I used all my energy to pull the emergency break, than I blacked out.

Sidney's P.O.V.

'Justin! Justin are you okay?! JUSTIN!" I called out.

*long pause*


"JUSTIN! Where are you."

"At rose and..."

*phone hangs up*

I ran to get my keys and shoes, them went to my car. Starting up the car, all I could think about was how hurt Justin was. What if he doesn't survive? Than what will I do?! Once I arrived at the scene, tears instantly stared running down my face.

Stopping the car, I quickly ran out but was stopped by the cops.

"Ma'am you can't go back there."

"JUSTIN!" I yelled once i saw him. He lifted his face off the pillow and motioned for me to come over.

"Move!" I angrily said to the cop. I gave him my mean look and he moved out my way.

"Justin are you okay."

"Yeah, totally. Woah, Sidney did you know... I'm white." He asked me looking at his hands.

"Sure don't act like it." I whispered. The medics snickered and Justin looked dumbfound.

"Did you know that I love you. More than a friend." Justin said smiling at me.

"Okay, what did you guys give him."

"Just laughing gas to seduce the pain. But not a lot." The lady said rolling Justin into the ambulance.

"Sidney, can you come lay with me." He begged scooting over.

"Justin, stop moving. I'm coming right now okay. Just go to sleep." I instructed him and he was out like a lamp.

"You can either ride with us, or take your car."

"I'm going to take my car, can you guys wait just a minute thought. I have to get his stuff out the car." They nodded and went into the vehicle.

I walked over to the tow truck and told him my name, and relationship with Justin.

"Ma'am i'm sorry you can't go in there unless you have proof you know the injured man."

"I can show you proof. Come with me." We walked into his car, and I got his phone off the floor. Opening his phone, there was a picture of the both us smiling.

"Want more proof?"

"No, that's alright. Take what you need." He then smiled and left me with the car. I got his phone, wallet and his favorite hat that he keeps in his car. Then I got in the car and followed the medics.

Justin's P.O.V.

I woke up in a small bed and in a hospital robe. Where am I?

*Flash back*

"I'm on my way to your house"

End of Flashback

The doctors were rushing around everywhere in my room with clipboards in their hand.

"Oh, Justin you're up. How are you feeling?" The lady asked.

"My head hurts a little bit. Where's my car. Where's Sidney, oh Jesus my prized possessions were in that car. "

"Don't worry, Justin. Sidney just went to the bathroom and your car is in the mechanic across the street." She reassured.

"Thank you God." I mumbled. Sidney walked in and ran to my side hugging me tight.

"I'm so glad you're okay Justin." She said sniffling.

"Were you crying?"

"No, I'm sick."

"What's wrong?" I asked scooting over. She filled the empty spot and began telling me what was wrong.

"My allergies are acting up again."

"You poor baby." I said squishing her cheeks. We both laughed but stopped when I felt a sharp pain on my side.

"Yeah, your ribs are kinda fractured." Sidney explained.

"Alrighty Justin. I'm back with your medicine. Take these twice a day with your meals and take these once a day anytime of the day. Oh and take 1 Advil in the morning. Oh and you need to wear this wrist brace, also someone has to sign this in order for you to leave." The doctor explained, handing Sidney my prescription and wrist brace. I quickly put on my brace and handed Sidney my discharge papers

"Thanks Doc." I said.

"No problem, Justin. Hopefully, you won't end up back here." She said waving her finger at me. I laughed and she waved at Sidney. Once she was done filling out the papers, Sidney rolled me out on a wheelchair.

"Oh Justin, I got your phone, hat and wallet." She said, handing my items to me.

"Thanks so much. Before we go, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure." She stopped me and sat on the couch next to me.

"You know when I said "I love you more than a friend" at the accident? I wasn't playing. I really so love you more than just a friend. I really need to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked taking a deep breath.

"Yes. A million times yes." She said smiling and hugging me. I kissed her cheek and she smiled again.

"Where do you want to go now?" She asked me.

"Home, and snuggle up with my beautiful girlfriend." She blushed and rolled out me out.

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