Chapter 9

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Sidney''s P.O.V

*couple months later* 

We arrived at the party and ordered some drinks.

"Justin, I'm going to the bathroom." I told him.


I went to the near by bathroom and did my buisness. After washing my hands, I walked out of the bathroom. I looked all around couldn't find Justin. When I walked into a room, I saw something that made my stomach turn. 

"Ju-" - . I started, but could'nt finish my sentence because of the sight in front of me.  Tears started breaming in my eyes as Justin was kissing another women. He turned his head and his eyes got big. I started sobbing and ran the opposite way. Ignoring the constant calls of my name.

"Baby wait!" Justin called out. He cought up with me and spun me around.

"Don't touch me."


"Justy, why did youu run away? I needed you to- who's this?" The girl said. I rolled my eyes at her as she scuffed. 

"You were dating that trash?" She asked. I turned around and punched her in the face. 

"What is this ruber?" I said sarcastically.

"No. It's super glue." She sarcastically said back. Justin pulled me away from her as she was holding her face. 

"Leave me alone. We are done Justin. I'm tired of your bull. Have fun with her." I ran to a taxi and sniffled all the way there. 

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