Favorite record

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Favorite Record

Petes pov
It was a year after the death of a bachelor ( that story is on NoNameNemo s peterick one shots so check those out ) and I was holding my favorite person in the world
" do you remember when we drove through the night and we danced and I confessed to you riding shotgun that you were the song stuck in my head? " I asked him and he smiled up at me
" yes I do it was the second best night of my life because you are every song I've ever loved "
I chuckled and stood up holding out a hand " then let me spin for you like your favorite records use to "
I held him close swaying clumsily laughing with with him .
" I love you trick" I giggled as I spun him
" I love you too panda"
I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and I kissed him our lips completing the dance we stopped
I spun with him in my arms falling back one the bed looking up at him smiling " I'm still just as clumsy " I nuzzled his cheek just holding him over me
" yet you claim to be the dancer of the group " he joked
" I still am have you seen Joe try to dance? The only person better at dancing than me is you-wait you said that was your second favorite night what was your first?" I asked
" when I woke up next to you the first time and I pushed you out of your own bed because if that night never happened then I wouldn't have married you I wouldn't even know you and just thinking about that makes me sad because you are my favorite record " he said kissing me .
Lets just say we danced in a different way that night

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