Heros fem!pete

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I saw my breath in the cold air as my worn combat boots hit the crumbling pavement. The ways were after me again and this time I hadn't even done anything wrong. I had my leather jacket on but that was my only protection from the cold my long pink hair was inches from being grabbed my gees hands if they caught  me I'd be done for.  I took a gasp of air into my lungs and kept running when I felt something sharp hit me between the shoulders I fell to the ground and played dead. I felt both of them spit on me and laughed walking away taking the knife from my back. I laid there and cried I was going to die here all because I dumped mikey? I felt something sniffling near my head they was just great I'm going to be torn apart by stray dogs and rats. I felt more sobs rack my small frame as whatever it was picked me up by my jacket and dragged me to a different alley where a pile of clothes sat . I looked up at whatever took me it was a huge fucking dog with deep brown eyes. It dropped me and started changing into a man with a very large forehead.
" don't freak out miss!" He said as my eyes got wide .
" the boss told me to save you honest!"
Just as he said it a even bigger blonde dog with piercing blueish green eyes laid in front of me and laid it head in my lap making me smile showing sharp little fangs.
" so a group of little doggies decided to save a deadheart?" I laughed softly " is it just so that you can kill me instead?" I practically hissed crying softly.
When the dog with it's head in my lap changed looking up at me with a lopsided smile it was heart warming you know if I had one.
" truth be told we thought you were a human at first " he tugged on my hair with a smirk " but this looks like a start of a beautiful thing babe I don't have a mate and you got a nice ass " he winked obviously joking at the last part .
" you should stay with us sugar we need more eye candy here and I actually do need a mate so unless you want to die you shall stay here" he giggled snuggling into my lap the other one with the forehead nuzzled me and soon I was surrounded buy a large pack all wanting my attention and every time I gave it to someone that wasn't him the blonde would growl I might just stay here a while I laughed literally being cuddled to death and for a split second I felt something in my chest move .

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