Cutie Pie

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Petes POV

I skipped to my favorite class in the whole world English the only place my words mattered the only place I wasn't judged.

I fixed my pastel pink pants and purple kitty sweater as I sat in my seat my pastel blue fringe falling out of my boring eyes .

My ex boyfriend sat beside me with a stupid smirk and a twinkle in his hazel eyes .

" hey peteeeeeeeey" he bit his lip .

" hi mikey " I mummered  not wanting to really talk to him after all the pain he put me through but if he were to snap his fingers I'd fall at his feet doing anything he asked of me .

A boy with blonde hair and strangely side burns walked into the class room talking a seat next to me and he turned to look at me .

" so what even are you a boy or a girl or just really gay?" The words hit me like a bullet the second he said them and my hand came in contact with his slightly chubby cheek
" dude you don't just ask him that dude" mikey laughed slapping my back

( to be continued later on maybe as it's on book comment if you would like that ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

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