Chapter 31

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Walking into the back employee room, the shelves of the mail slots where lined with thick, grey coats of dust, the paper brown from years of sitting. Scanning the room, I saw that the only entrance was the way I came in, the small room safe from any jump encounters. Slowly walking towards the piles of mail, I touched the shelf carefully, looking at the small gold plaques that held the names of the employees. Wiping away some of the dust, I saw the answer to our question.

"Brandon James." I whispered, reading the small plaque. In his slot, there was no letters- absolutely nothing. But still, this was a key peace. "Guys! You should come take a look at this!" I yelled. Waiting for a few minutes, I didn't hear a reply. "Guys?" I yelled again. Just as I was about to leave, a name plate caught my attention. Looking closer, I dusted of the last name, causing a small gasp to escape my lips. Henry James. I felt my mind come to a stop as I tried to process what this meant. Brandon had another brother? But, if he did, why was he never mentioned in the stories? Looking in, I saw a small, wrapped package inside the slot. Reaching in, I pulled it out quickly, tearing the worn, brown paper wrapping until I was left with nothing but a closed box. Slowly lifting the lid, I peeked inside.

Inside the box were photographs, the first one showing 3 little boys. Slowly, I pulled the picture out, looking at the photograph carefully. In the middle, stood Brandon, his arm slung around a taller boy to his right while, to his left was a taller boy as well. His face was set into a hard line, his eyes glaring into the camera as if he wasn't happy at all. My heart stopped as I realized that I recognized that boy.

"Dad?" My voice was a soft whisper as my mouth gaped at the small picture. Next to Brandon James, stood my father. But, then that would mean. Pulling out the last couple of pictures, my fingers found a neatly folded piece of paper. Pulling it out, I found to my horror that it was fresh, not something that had sat in a box for years. Pulling it out, I unfolded it carefully, quickly reading the paper. It was a government issued name change. On  the top of the paper, it read Henry James. Going through it, I saw many signatures until my eyes landed on the one I was looking for. Henry Wilson. Taking in a deep breath, I slipped the note into my pocket, looking into the box once more. There was one more sheet of paper, folded just as neatly and just as new as the last. Carefully taking it out, I covered my mouth as tears pooled into my eyes. This can't be happening.


I didn't have time to even process what was going on, first, I heard the scream, then, I ran out to find Brooke, the killer not far behind her. Running up, I kicked the killed down, pushing him to the floor before looking at Brooke.

"Run!" I screamed. Brooke didn't waste anytime, together, we both ran.

"What about Jake?" She gasped as we ran, searching for Noah and Emma.

'He'll be fine, he'll find us, now go!" We ran through the machinery, coming back to the narrow strip of hall. Stopping for a moment, we looked around, trying to find anywhere to hide. Taking a quick look at her, I ran in the direction my feet took me, Brooke coming up behind me. Suddenly, I could hear Emma. Running in the direction of her voice, we came to a red door, wide open. Running in, I saw Emma and Noah on the floor, holding to be what looked like a very dead Will. Dropping to my knees beside Noah, I grabbed a piece of Will's shirt, tearing it before placing it over his wound. 

"Is he breathing?" I asked.

"The killer is here and Jake is still out there. Oh God." Brooke said, shutting the door before running over beside me.

"I don't know, I don't know." Emma whispered, still holding Will. Stepping away, I walked over to the door, making sure it was secure as Emma tried to get Will to wake up. Suddenly, there was the sound of a phone ringing. Looking over, I saw Noah answer it quickly, his hands shaking profoundly. I couldn't hear much over Emma, but I swear he said Audrey. 

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