Chapter 39

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Running through the thicket of trees, I followed Emma to the best of my abilities as we ran towards the dock. As we neared, you could smell the water as well as see the dim lights ahead. Picking up the pace, we busted through the trees until we reached the end, right in front of the dock. There, in the middle of the spotlight, was Mrs. Duval, bound to a chair with blood dotting her pink shirt. 

"Mom! Mom!" Continuing to run forward, I followed Emma, getting behind Mrs. Duval and untying her hands. All the while, her screams were muffled by a piece of tape. "Oh, my god! Are you okay?" Emma asked, taking the tape off.

"You shouldn't have come!" She said as Emma began to help me with the bindings.

"No, I shouldn't have left you. I am so sorry." Struggling to get the bindings off, I suddenly felt Mrs. Duval's stiffen under my hand.

"Vex, Emma, he's here." Stopping what we were doing, we both looked up, seeing that he was standing just at the edge of the trees, knife in hand. Emma and I had the same reaction, slowly, our bodies stepped around Mrs. Duval, protecting her.

"No, don't!" She yelled, I could hear her struggling behind us, her breathing heavy. Slowly, he began to step towards us, his knife held out in plane view, ours? We kept held behind our backs as we slowly walked forward to meet him. 

"We're here. Just like you wanted. No more games. No more masks." Emma yelled.

"Take off the damn mask!" I screamed. I was a hell of a lot more angry than Emma at the moment. I had waited for this for a few months now, I was ready. Reaching up slowly, he took his hood down, in the dim light, I could make out brown hair pulled back from the mask. Then, faster, he took the mask off...revealing Piper. A short gasp escaped my lips, but my surprise quickly turned into rage.

"Hey, sis. Hey cuz. Surprise." Taking another step forward, I all but growled as she threw off the long cape, stepping forward just a little more.


"Piper?" Emma grabbed my arm, pulling me back just a little as she adjusted to the shock. She had been a lot closer to Piper than I was. Me? I had completely called it, but I hadn't prepared for the rage the was threatening to explode out of me.

"I seriously wish that you could see your faces right now. Hashtag, mind blown." Slowly, she began to step forward, pointing the knife at us.

"No, you can't be." Emma said.

"I can." Piper replied, a triumphant smirk on her face. Emma scoffed slightly beside me, looking down just a little.

"So when we were bonding about your dad being murdered, you were talking about Brandon James." I could see the hurt in Emma's eyes, she thought this girl was her friend.

"Yes. And you were so easily convinced that it had to be his son that was swinging the knife, but it's 2015, Emma. Sexist much?" Her body turned to me. "And you? Well cuz, I'm delightedly surprised, you called it. That's right... I heard your little conversation, technology can be our friend..." She pulled out a phone real quick, flashing it at us before putting it away. "And our enemy." 

"You pretended to help us. You pretended to be my friend." Emma said.

"And it stings when someone breaks your trust. Right, Mom? My dad trusted you and look how that turned out. Dad got shot, I got tossed, and Emma got the perfect life." PIPER

"Piper, I swear to you, I never meant for Brandon to get hurt. I was trying to protect him." MD

"You were trying to protect yourself! For 20 years, you have let everyone think that my dad was the monster, but you were the monster." PIPER

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