Thomas's POV

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I wake up and see Brenda looking at me but quickly backs away when I open my eyes. "Brenda what are you-" I get cut off when I see her holding a syringe with pink liquid. "Shoot! Tom you weren't supposed to see this." she says. "What the hell is that!!!" I yell at her. "Memory serum." she says. I get it now. That's why the whole community and I don't remember anything. She did something. "Good thing you told me." I say. "What are you gonna do huh?! Beat me up?" she scoffs. "No." I say. I grab her arms and push her to a chair next to my drawer. I get a blanket and use it as a rope to tie her up. "Minho, Newt!!!" I yell. They both come running in and say "What?!!" "Brenda was using memory serum to erase our memories." I say. "Bloody you!!" screams Newt at Brenda. "Wait so that means there is serum that makes us get our memory back!" says Minho. "Check!" I say. Newt goes looks in Brenda's room and Minho around my room. "Found it!!!" yells Newt. I grab it from him and say "I'll go first. Wish me luck." and I drink it.

I see that me and the community have headaches and that I say horrible stuff to Teresa. I later vanish her and propose to Brenda. Wait Brenda?!!! I don't like her!!! I cry and sob. No Teresa please come back. I see that Brenda made that serum play with our memories by switching Brenda's and Teresa's place. No!!! I let the one I love go!! I would never, NEVER, say horrible things to Teresa. How could I hate her? She was, still is the love of my life!!! Teresa please come back. We all need you. I need you. I'm a monster she deserves more. She doesn't deserve me. It's so hard to believe that the girl I met at WICKED was the one who was going to steal my heart and break it but heal it again with true Love.

~End of memories~

"Teresa!" I say. Minho and Newt come up to me and say "We know, we drank it too." "Dude we were horrible to her." says Newt. "We're going to find her." I say firmly. "Make the whole community drink that, and pick any volunteers who want to go back to WICKED." I say. "On it." says Minho and leaves. Newt leaves too and gives me a light punch. After there gone Brenda says "You think you can find Teresa?? Well you better think twice cause she not coming back anytime soon." "I don't care. I love her and you wanted to take that love away from but you failed. I'm going to go after her and find her." I say coldly to Brenda. I walk away and close the door. "I'll find you Teresa." I whisper.

You guys know I can end this story right now. It's only one more chapter and that's it. But you guys are gonna have to wait.
Yeah I know, I'm evil.

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