Chapter 1- He's gone

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Bella's POV

I followed him out to the woods. He led me deep into the woods before stopping. He looked down at the ground, not even meeting my eyes.

"We have to leave Forks." He said slowly. I froze.

This can't be happening! I was panicking on the inside. I had been alone for so long and I finally felt safe with Edward and his family.

"Why?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older than he looks... People are starting to notice."

I looked around trying bit to look at him. I took a few deep breaths.

"Okay, I... I got to think of something to say to Charlie." I could easily compel him into letting me go. But the look on Edwards face told me otherwise.

It remained cold and emotionless.

"When you say we." I started off hesitantly.

"I mean my family and myself." the words felt like a punch to the gut. They were leaving me. They couldn't leave me. They were my rock. They were like my family. I took another breath.

"Edward... What happened with Jasper. It nothing." And it really wasn't. I was in no danger of dying.

"You're right." He answered immediately. "It was nothing. Nothing, but what I always expected. And nothing compared to what could've happened." He looked away from me. "You just don't belong in my world, Bella."

I so desperately wanted to scream that I did belong in his world. That I was already a part of it, but I was to much in shock of what he was saying. He didn't want me. His family and him are leaving me.

We stood like that for a few moments.

"I belong with you." My voice broke. I tried not to cry.

"No, you don't." I glared at him for making me feel this way. Him and his god damn family just had to wiggle their way into my heart!

"I'm coming!" I said forcefully.

"No, I don't want you to come." He spoke as if I were a child.

"You don't want me?" I probably looked like a kicked puppy, but it hurt to hear him say that.

"No." He stared at me.

"That changes things.....A lot."

"But if it's not to much to ask, can you just promise me something?" I scoffed. He says he doesn't want me but he wants me to make a promise.

"Just don't do anything wreckless." He seemed concerned for a moment. "For Charlie's sake."

Charlie wasn't even my father!

"And I'll promise you something in return... This is the last time you will see me..... I won't come back. And you can go on with your life, without any interference from me. It'll be like I never existed. I promise."

"If this is about my soul, take it! I don't want it without you?" But saying those words to him felt wrong to me. After saying it so many times, it felt wrong now. Why now instead of all the other times?

"It's not about your soul." He was breathing heavily now. "You're just not good for me.

"I'm not good for you." I repeated, hollow.

"I'm just sorry I let this go on for so long." That made me a bit mad. It's like he's saying I wasn't worth anything. I closed my eyes. I was so close to crying.

"Please." I tried again. "Don't."

He grimanced. "Goodbye." I tried to hold in my crying but I couldn't help but sniffle. This hurt so freaking much! He kissed my forehead and disappeared.

After a moment I made a split-second decision. I ran after him at a human pace, just in case he heard me. He couldn't leave me.

But my sight was blocked by the tears swelling up in my eyes. I tripped over a log and tumbled down.

But I didn't get up. No, instead I curled up in a ball and cried.


I walked around the corner to see my mother on the floor. She had a large pool of blood surrounding her blood. A large gash on her abdomen and head.

"Mama!" I screamed. I ran to her trying to stop the blood.

Father walked into the room. He didn't react to mama on the floor. Why isn't he reacting!

He kicked me away from her body. I didn't expect it.

"This is your fault!" He yelled at me. "If you weren't left here then we wouldn't have fought!" 

I cried as he continued to hit me. I heard rumors that I was left here. I never believed them, but now I knew the truth.

"Get away!" I cried. The last thing I remember was my father being pulled away and something sweet in my mouth.

It was night time and I didn't even want to get up. The memory just came to me. I awoke in the middle of the wood that night. It was the night I turned. But something was different that night. I felt like two things inside me were battling each other. I found out what it was after a month.

Warm arms circled me. But I didn't expect the person to adjust me. I expected the person to take me out of the woods. Long wavy hair was in my view.

"Who are you?" I croaked. I didn't get an answer. She just hugged me. And I liked the feeling it gave me.

She was comforting me even though she didn't know me. It made me feel like someone cared.

"Let's get you home." She said. She had a smooth voice.

"I don't have a home." And it was true. I compelled Charlie and Renee to think that I was their daughter. But their daughter had died in a school shooting at the age of 14, which was a few years ago.

"Where do you sleep right now?" I told her the address. She picked me and walked. I snuggled into her chest. I heard a soft rumble come from her chest.

"Bella!" I heard Charlie yell as he spotted me and the girl. As soon as we walked out of the woods we were swarmed by the residents from the town. He scooped me out of her arms. He rushed me to the police cruiser. Before he closed the door I whispered thanks to the girl who found me. She was too far away to hear, but she nodded her head back.

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