Chapter 4- Back in the house

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Bella's POV

I cooked Charlie dinner. Victoria was sitting on the couch, looking at me awkwardly.

"You know what? Come here." She walked to me slowly. "Do you remember how to cook?" She shook her head.

"My human memory is still very fuzzy. I've been trying to make them clearer, but I can't really get past it."

I gave her instructions and she followed them.

"I think I can help with your memory. I'm part witch, so I can change you into a human and make you like me. Well, at least into a vampire/werewolf hybrid. You'd still have all your memories, and you'll be stronger than before." She told me what she knew about my kinds, apparently my kind isn't well known by the cold ones and shifters. I continued to tell her about my kind so she could say yes. It's selfish for me to want her to stay with me.

"I'll think about it." I smiled weakly and I heard Charlie's cruiser come up. I felt her freeze at the smell of his blood.

"You'll be fine." She nodded.

"Bells! You home?"

"Yeah! Come here, I want you to meet someone." He shuffled over here.

"Dad this is Victoria. Victoria this is my dad, Charlie." She shook his hand biting her lip. I saw small cracks appear on her lower lip. I smelled venom.  "Dad, please back up slowly." He did as I said without question. I lunged at Victoria at the same moment she lunged at Charlie. It was difficult to restrain her but not impossible. I managed to get her into a headlock after destroying a few kitchen appliances. She struggled to get to my dad.

"Victoria!" She continued to struggle. "Charlie! I need you to go to my room and grab the small purple and red case in my drawer.

He ran to my room and came back with two containers. "I didn't know which one."

"Doesn't matter." I reached out for one. I stuck a needle with thick silver liquid in Victorias neck. She screamed and fell to the floor. She held her neck and writhed.

I held her as she whimpered. "It burns!"

"I know. I know. Charlie I need you to get in your car and go to La Push. I'll be there soon." He looked at the vampire in my arms with pity. "She'll be fine." Then he left without a word.

"Bella...... Make it stop" she whimpered. I knew she felt like she was changing again, but I had enchanted the venom to be ten times worse than it normally was. "I promise not to hurt or eat him."

"Victoria, I know you drink human blood and his blood will have that reaction. I just don't want you to attack him." I had already bit and pressed my bloody arm into her mouth. I also changed the venom to lessen its damage when I give the person my blood. Took a while, but I still got it. She bit deeper for better access. Thank god a friend put a spell on me so the venom wouldn't affect me as much. Feeling the burning sensation of a cold one bite isn't something I would like to do again. "Slower."

I pulled away and she panted. "His blood smells so good. It's like.... Nothing I've ever smelled before. All my instinct were screaming to drink him."

"So he's your blood siren. When his blood calls for you. It almost irresistible." I groaned when she nodded. "Okay, I need you to think of something that stinks. Like the shifters." She sniffed the air and cringed her nose.

"His scent is still here. What do I do now?"

"I need you to think of that whenever your near Charlie, so you don't drain him. He may not be blood related, but he's family.

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