1. Dare

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New message from luke_is_a_penguin!

Luke: hey daddy, how would you like it if you tied me down to the bed and fück my brains out? ;))))

Iampunkrock_mike: excuse me????

Luke: you know what I mean daddy. ;)

Michael: who are you? Do I know you?

Luke: I'm Luke but you can call me your little cöck slüt if you know what I mean;)

Michael: ok and I think I'm just gonna call you Luke.

Luke: ok what ever you want daddy ;)

Michael: ok ... Well this is getting really weird, so I'm just gonna go now.

Luke: leaving so soon daddy? Ok I'll talk to you tommorow!

Ok so I didn't wanna have to type their username all the time but that's their usernames and I'm going to use it for the beginning but for the convos I'm just going to use their real names! :)))

Kik - Muke (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now