Sounds Like A Plan

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New message from luke_is_a-penguin!


Michael: well hello to you too! 

Luke: hi. 

luke: so

Luke: WHEN 

Luke: ARE


Luke: TO

Luke: MEEEEEEETTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!

Michael: ummmmm...

Michael: you want to meet? :D

Luke: yeah. we've been talking for like 4 months 3 weeks and 2 days.

Michael: ok sure when and where????

Luke: ummm... how about at the park by the pond with all the ducks?

Michael: sure!!!11!!1!! then we can go to lunch?

Luke: ok so when are we going to do that?

Michael: how about...

Michael: this friday at 12:30?

Michael: i should be done with classes by then.

Luke: i don't think i can do 12:30 i have a few classes but how about 4:30 then we can hang out a bit then go to dinner?

Michael: ok! that sounds good!!!

Luke: yup!

Luke: i gtg I'm  helping ashton move his stuff into him and calms new flat.

Michael: ok, i can't wait to see you!!!!!

Luke: me tooo!!!! ill see you soon DADDY! ;)

Michael: bye PRINCESS ;)

Luke: that reminds me... I have to go kill ashton and calum about that.






hey so Im updating on my laptop and it is so much more different than on my phone. #confusingaf! annnyyyywhooooooo, expect another update this weekend and i might not update next weekend because thats when we play in the soccer tournament so ill probably be out of the house the whole weekend or too tired to update haha!!! 

i hope you enjoyed this it was really rushed because i have french, math and science homework... F.M.L!


Kik - Muke (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now