"you're such a nerd"

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New message from lukesproperty!!

Michael: I can't believe you did that last night! XD

Michael: I'm literally laughing my fucking ass off just thinking about it!!!

Luke: tbh that bitch deserved it.

Luke: she had no right to flirt on me on OUR FIRST date.

Michael: haha if she was flirting then she's pretty damn horiblw !

Michael: " hey would you like some hot sauce with your fries? Because i would make your meal better" haha I don't even get it!!!! (An: these guys used this pick up line on me and my friend when we were at mcdonalds😂)

Michael: and when you said 'that's ok I'm allergic to peppers... And vaginas' her face started sagging like what her pussy probably looked like because WOOOOOHHH she is probably the biggest slut I've seen.

Luke: I know right!!!! And kissing you in front of her was just the cherry on the sundae!

Luke: but u don't think it was necessary to ask her if she could get our check. Like she didn't even work there but it's still funny af!

Michael: thanks and last night was probably by far the best first date I've had!!

Luke: good.
I like to know I'm the best at something! :) maybe you can tell me I'm the best persons that's been in your bed ;;;;;)))

Michael: weeellll I don't usually do that after the first date but we'll see how the second date goes. ;)

Luke: ok then u better step up my game!

Luke: do you wanna come over and watch all of the Star Trek movies?

Michael: you know, you might be a hormonal teen that talks too much about sex but you sure can be a nerd.

Luke: well when u start watching ate trek you can't really stop

Luke: that's why we are watching all of them!!!!!

Michael: 🤓you are such a nerd

Luke: yeah but you still love me I know you do!;)

Luke: so are you coming over?

Michael: yeah I'll be there in like half an hiur.

Luke: why 30 minutes? You live like 15 minutes away.

Michael: well I have to get my sexy boyfriend his favourite snacks! So I might take a while.

Luke: ok just don't take too long! I'll have everythjg ready when you get here.

Luke: dint forget my favourttie cheese!!!

Michael: I won't and I still can't believe you eat blue cheese like ice cream. 😷😷

Luke: well I can eat lots of things like ice cream if you know what I mean ;)

Michael: keep it in your pants and this better not end up like how most Netflix and chills end.

Michael: I'm turning off my phone now until I get to your house so bye! I'll see you soon😘

Luke:ok! And don't forget my cheese!!!!!

Luke: byyyyeee!!!!

Luke: see you soon!

Luke: my Mikey booooo!!!!

I officially have the first one shot up!!!!!!! So this means I'm taking prompts!!!!! The yaaaayyyyy meeeee!!!!
So it can be smut, fluff, a sick fic, hurt fic or even just weird random convos! And don't forget I take cashton prompts too!!!!!

See yah!
Luv yah!

Kik - Muke (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now